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London Tube Strike

News of the strike was posted in a response to a question posted on the To the North sub-forum (see Suggestions for getting to Heathrow on Christmas day), but I haven't seen anything else that directly alerts travelers to this potential complication. Anyway, the Tube drivers' union has called for strikes on Boxing Day (12/26), January 16, and February 3 and 13. London Underground drivers to strike on Boxing Day. If you'll be there then, you'll need to make alternative plans for getting about.

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33183 posts

Thanks for the clear post on that, Paul

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4684 posts

It's not unknown for these strikes to be called off at the last minute, but there's a good chance the Boxing Day one will happen.

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33183 posts

I think that Philip is probably correct. Its one about principle. I expect it to go forward. It won't affect bus travel except they will be much more crowded. Few people will be at work that day so few commuters. There will be plenty of sales shoppers.

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4684 posts

The January and February strike dates mentioned on this post have now been dropped.