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London Travel Card 2 for 1 offer

While debating the Oyster vs Travel Card question the issue of 2 for 1 offers for London attractions arises. My question is, supposing I buy a Travel Card at a National Rail station in London, the only way the 2 for 1 offer can be implemented. I have a small laptop computer traveling with me but no printer. How can I print off coupons for the attractions that my husband and I want to see? I thought that I could not print off offers at home before purchasing the Travel Cards in London. Perhaps I am missing something. Thanks for your advice.

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2 posts

Thank you all! You have been very helpful. We are looking forward to this trip.


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8700 posts

You definitely can print the vouchers at home. See here.

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286 posts

You also will be able to pick up the leaflet from most rail stations.

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199 posts

I printed vouchers from home for my trip in May. It only takes a few minutes. There is no date on the vouchers that it must be use on. Just use during the days and your travelcard is good for. I think the site to go to is but I could be wrong. There is no money or credit card involved. Just go to website print them (no limit)and take them with you. There is quite a few to choose from. I printed all that were of interest to me, just in case I might decide to use it.