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London Buses - Assessible with Knee Scooter?

I will have a walking cast while in London but will only be 25% weight bearing. I know I will tire quickly so am planning on bringing a knee scooter. I kneel on the scooter with my bad leg and propel myself with my good leg. The scooter I currently have has 3 wheels and is about 3 feet long and 2 feet wide at the front wheel base. I am wondering if it will be possible to take the scooter onto buses and also whether there will be steps to climb when boarding.

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658 posts

Your worries are over Janice.

There are no steps to climb. London buses have hydraulic boarding platforms that smoothly drop to street level.

Once on board there is a special area for wheelchair users which, even though you are not technically disabled or in a wheelchair, you will be permitted to use. Or if you want to sit down there are convenient seats for you to use, even in rush hour.

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112 posts

Thank you for your response. I am so relieved. This trip is going to be challenging enough, so I'm glad public transportation should not be a problem.