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Logistics from Cinque Terre to Provence to Toulouse? or not?

I am teaching a workshop in France in May - all students are flying into Toulouse and I need to meet them (and our host) there. However, I would like to travel early and spend 3 days or so in Cinque Terre. To complicat matters more, several in the workshop group would like to go to Provence for 3 nights before the workshop.

My dilema is...the best way to do this. Do I fly into Marseilles, rent a car (which seems scary) and drive to Cinque Terre...then ask the group wanting to go to Provence to fly into Marseilles..I drive back from CT and pick them up and we go to to Provence. Then, drive us all to Toulouse to meet the rest of group? Or do we take trains for all or a portion?

Another concern is parking - in CT and in Provence, which I hear is very difficult.

I'm not a very seasoned traveller - been to Europe only once before. I want to be sure I can do this! I would appreciate any help or suggestions you can give me.

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4132 posts

Your plan doesn't sound like a bad way to touch all those bases, if touch them you must.

But, reality check: Are you okay with driving and jet lag? It's not a short ride. Also, have you factored in the drive back and airport arrival times for your workshop group? You may need to arrive near Marseilles the night before.

It's potentially hectic, and is it really worth it to visit the CT this trip? Whereas Provence - Toulouse is pretty sweet, logistically and otherwise.

You could maybe improve things by a couple of hours if you flew into Nice--it's a bit closer to Italy.

Driving makes sense, probably, with a group.

Posted by
8700 posts

You don't need a car for your time in the CT. However, for your days in Provence you'll probably want one, especially if you go to towns that aren't easily accessible by either train or bus.

You could fly into Pisa and take the train to the CT. To avoid an international drop off charge you could take the train from the CT to Nice and pick up a car there so you can enjoy the beautiful drive from Nice to Marseille. Or you could take the train all the way from the CT to Marseille and pick up a car there.

Posted by
188 posts

I like Tim's suggestions for covering both the CT and Provence. I would not recommend driving to the CT--specifically Vernazza. My husband is used to driving logging roads and this narrow, winding road was nervewracking watching for oncoming vehicles. Other villages may be different, but taking the train makes sense to me. Driving in Provence was good.

Posted by
52 posts

Thank you so much for your help! I like Tim's idea of flying into Nice and taking the train to CT and back to Nice - renting a car there, although I haven't checked on costs to do that. Could I then return the car to Toulouse without a huge fee?

Also, would a GPS be something I should take with me?

Posted by
8700 posts

It was Adam who suggested flying into Nice. I suggested flying into Pisa--no backtracking.

Yes, if you pick up a car in Nice and drop it off in Toulouse you will not have to pay a drop off fee.