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1231 posts

Thank you for posting this, Kelly.

Sadly, it's worse than the Thrifty Traveler article states, as there are more routes cancelled this summer than they listed. Below are links for AA, UA, and Delta, showing their summer cancellations and (currently expected) service resumptions for some routes. It's not pretty....

Posted by
38 posts

IcelandAir has a total of SIX roundtrip flights this next week. Two between Reykjavik and Boston, three between Reykjavik and London, and one between Reykjavik and Stockholm. That is the entire airline schedule. Don't know how they can survive with that schedule.

Posted by
1157 posts

@Eric, thanks for posting those links. Yikes!

@Beth, wow, only 6 flights? I am booked on an intra-Europe Amsterdam-Reykjavik flight in July, which according to the website, is still happening. I wonder if it's because it's a Schengen flight. Who knows. Regardless I'm not looking forward trying to cancel it and get a random credit on two random airlines (KLM and Icelandair) that will be difficult to use in the future.

Posted by
213 posts

I am booked on the new direct flight to Rome from Boston on Delta. I logged in & no longer see this trip in Delta under My Trips. I booked with Chase on their travel portal using points. My flight still shows up there. I wonder if they will move me to the existing Alitalia flight or cancel me outright. I'll monitor. Thanks for the heads up. My trip isn't until first week of September.

Posted by
302 posts

For Kelly and Beth- although my trip has been cancelled for Iceland- Greenland I booked my own flights with Iceland Air for late August, so I have been checking weekly waiting for cancellation on their part vs a travel credit voucher. In small font the airline explains that those routes are for the next week (or so)- anything beyond early May is not officially cancelled, if you just use their website. Not sure if you waited for an agent if you could get info beyond that.

Posted by
142 posts

My early Oct flight from Detroit to Rome on Delta has an “ alert -schedule change”, but the only change I see is that our Comfort + seat choices are no longer there, and I cannot pull up a seating chart.
I hope this means the flight will be cancelled, as I am, sadly, not planning on going anywhere until a vaccine and/or cure are available.

Posted by
2136 posts

Any information, link or source about Delta to Asia flights this fall? Thanks.

Posted by
1082 posts

I've got a Delta flight from Wichita,Ks to Madrid on Oct 1st and it's still showing that the flight is on, they did reroute us through New York on the way over but we still arrive within 30 min of our original time so I can't complain. I feel that by fall air routes will be open and people will be able to travel as tourists because the countries will have to resurrect their economies and tourism is such a hugh part of Europe's business. As a healthcare worker I'm hoping that it will be safe but there is so much unknown at this time. If it's not to be then I will start planning for spring of 2021.

*(I will admit that I am a travel junkie, and all of you on the forum are a wonderful bunch of enablers !!) *