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Last name missing a letter on airplane ticket

We are flying to Turkey in March and my last name is missing one letter in it on the ticket, and the airline will not help me. Has anyone flown with a ticket problem like this? Our guess is it should be ok but not sure Thanks,

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2193 posts

Is it the airline's error or an error you made while booking online? I'm not sure it matters, but you may have more luck in getting it changed if it was their fault. Unfortunately, many airlines are going to want to charge you a very hefty change fee, even for something as simple as a name change. Here's what the TSA says on its site: "If the name printed on my boarding pass is different than what appears on my government ID, will I be turned away at security and unable to fly? Boarding passes may not always display the exact name you provided when booking your travel. The name you provide is used to perform watch list matching before a boarding pass is issued, so small differences should not impact your travel." Frankly, I wouldn't worry about it.

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1840 posts

I would worry abut it. You need to get it fixed. All you need is for a Thousand Standing Around agent to see the discrepency. Maybe I should say, the last thing you need. Get it fixed. I'm offering this little piece of wisdon because I had a visa that had a one letter error. It was not a good experience. If you want to play fast and loose with the immigration and security people that's your business, but I try not to unduly set myself up for trouble.

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2193 posts

Just my opinion, but a misspelled name on a visa is very different than a misspelled name on a boarding pass...not even close. Sure, fix it if it's easy, but I wouldn't spend too much time on it if it were me. That's just me.

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4637 posts

You could have problem with that. It all depends how big a zealot is a person you will be dealing with at the airport. I would try to fix it if I were you.

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430 posts

Many airlines seem difficult when dealing with their call center. Try going to the airport and talking with a ticket agent directly. At the least you will get a guage of their level of concern.

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920 posts

If it's the last letter of your last name that's missing, I wouldn't worry about it. This happened to me last September, and I called British Airways in a state of panic. The lovely calm person on the other end said it wasn't a problem because that field on the boarding pass only takes so many letters. They were more concerned with the code number on the boarding pass and my passport matching the info in the gate agent's database. I didn't have any problems at SeaTac, nor traveling through Heathrow and Dublin. If, however, the missing letter is in the middle of your name, I might try calling the airline again ... and again, until you get a helpful customer service rep.

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818 posts

Keep calling. Call their corporate office. Be firm but insistent. Don't take no for an answer. You aren't asking for there help you are telling them this needs to corrected. Don't lose your cool!

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8 posts

Hi Mark, We booked our flights with Air Transat a couple of weeks ago and I neglected to include our middle names while booking online.
I later realized the names on the tickets and passports had to match each other, called the airline and had it changed no problem I had a new confirmation sent to my email within minutes. i would try the airline again. Good luck. John