I am traveling from Venice to Lake Garda on 5/5/16. I'm staying in Malcesine for two nights, then traveling to Verona. I was hoping to take the train from Venice to Peschiera, then take a ferry to Malcesine. I'm having trouble figuring out the ferry schedule. Can anyone help me? I think there is a bus that can take us from Malcesine to Verona. Where can I find bus information? Thanks!
Here are the spring timetables: http://www.navigazionelaghi.it/file2/BATTELLI%20primavera%202016.pdf
Thank you Sam. I had found that, and I couldn't figure out how to read it. Could you please explain it to me?
The top line shows the boat number, and red is a hydrofoil with a surcharge. So the there is hydrofoil Boat No 110 leaving Peschiera at 8:50 and arriving at Malcesine at 10:55. The next departure is a slow Boat No 2 at 9:25 and arriving Malcesine at 13:09. etc Top chart is northbound, Bottom chart is southbound. Stations are on the left. Notes show (A) and (B) indicate Saturday, Sunday, Holidays service only.
Got it. Thanks for the explanation Sam!
A couple of points to add.....
The Ferry dock in Peschiera del Garda is a brisk 13 minute or so walk from the train station (I've timed it), and not overly difficult (all flat) but of course it helps to know the way. With luggage I'd suggest using a Taxi, and there are usually some waiting outside the station in Peschiera. It's not a long trip.
The hydrofoil (Aliscafo) is the quickest method to reach Malcesine, but the Catamarans are not too much slower. The boats stop at numerous towns as they make the trip up the lake.
Ken, thanks for the tip about the taxi. I think I will have to see the train times and match up to the best ferry time.