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jet lag

any one had any experience with a product called "NO-JET-LAG"?

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17603 posts

No experience, but I will point out that it is a homeopathic remedy, which means that the ingredients have been diluted to the point that there is probably nothing left. That is a good thing in case of some of the No Jet Lag ingredients, like ipecac. You can see the ingredients on this Amazon page:

The 30C designation means that the dilution of one part ingredient in 100 parts water has been repeated 30 times.

That does not leave much but water. But if you believe in the principles of homeopathy, it might work for you. I know a few people who have said it does work. Placebo effect?

Posted by
8293 posts

Who is this heroine person of whom you speak?

Posted by
15181 posts


Yes, I did use it a couple of times, back in 2005 and on the 2007 flights going over, both non-stop from SFO to Paris CDG.

They do work but at $10 a box I stopped buying them, not worth it, since I sleep on the plane during most of the 11 hr flight anyway (without these "NO-JET-LAG" ) and land in the morning refreshed.

If you are sure to get jet lag, (I don't), try it to see if it works, otherwise I would suggest they are not worth it

Posted by
7054 posts

Adjusting your body a little at a time before your trip, as well as trying to get sleep on the plane, will do a lot more than any so-called "no-jetlag" product. I wouldn't touch it, it will probably do nothing at all or screw you up even more. Jetlag is one of those perfectly normal things that you just can't avoid.

Posted by
4657 posts

There are plenty of folks that have sensitive enough systems that dilute amounts work effectively. I know people who swear by the homeopathic strengths, but that isn't me. I get jet lag regardless of what I do and even if there are no time zones involved. If it is travel times that require waking up at 3 a.m. to get to airports, numerous connections and arrivals at 11 pm....nothing is going to save me.
10 years ago I handled jet lag/travel fatigue better than I do now.
If you use homeopathic meds already, you will know whether your body responds to them or not.

Posted by
23685 posts

Everyone gets jet lag since it how your body adjusts to daylight and your internal clock. Unfortunately everyone reacts somewhat different. Standard recommendation seems to be stay awake in the sun and stay activity till normal bed time and then crash. Other suggesting is a short nap, less than two hour, to get you through the day and a normal bed time. We have tried it both ways and the short afternoon nap works wonders for us. Set the alarm but generally it is one and a half hours recharges just enough to get through dinner and the evening.

Posted by
1662 posts

Probably the best thing to do is prepare ahead of your trip.

A few basic steps may help prevent jet lag or reduce its effects:

Arrive early. If you have an important meeting or other event that requires you to be in top form, try to arrive a few days early to give your body a chance to adjust.

Get plenty of rest before your trip. Starting out sleep-deprived makes jet lag worse.

Gradually adjust your schedule before you leave. If you're traveling east, try going to bed one hour earlier each night for a few days before your departure. Go to bed one hour later for several nights if you're flying west. If possible, eat meals closer to the time you'll be eating them at your destination.

Regulate bright light exposure. Because light exposure is one of the prime influences on your body's circadian rhythm, regulating light exposure may help you adjust to your new location.

Maybe put on sunglasses to minimize the bright lights on the ceiling of the plane or from your seat mate's electronics. Some wear an eye mask, but I don't like them.

In general, exposure to light in the evening helps you adjust to a later than usual time zone (traveling westward), while exposure to morning light can help you adapt to an earlier time zone faster (traveling eastward).

The one exception is if you have traveled more than eight time zones from your original time zone, because your body might mistake early morning light for evening dusk. Your body might also mistake evening light for early morning light.

So, if you've traveled more than eight time zones to the east, wear sunglasses and avoid bright light in the morning, and then allow as much sunlight as possible in the late afternoon for the first few days in your new location.

If you have traveled west by more than eight time zones, avoid sunlight a few hours before dark for the first few days to adjust to the local time.

Stay on your new schedule. Set your watch to the new time before you leave. Once you reach your destination, try not to sleep until the local nighttime, no matter how tired you are. Try to time your meals with local mealtimes too.

Stay hydrated. Drink plenty of water before, during and after your flight to counteract the dehydrating effects of dry cabin air.

Dehydration can make jet lag symptoms worse. Avoid alcohol and caffeine, as these can dehydrate you and affect your sleep. Try to sleep on the plane if it's nighttime at your destination. Or take little naps at least. Earplugs, headphones and eye masks can help block out noise and light. If it's daytime where you're going, resist the urge to sleep.

Some travelers may take a nap as soon as they settle in to their hotel. I cannot do this myself. I take a shower; feel refreshed and ready to go. I put on fresh clothes, get ready for dinner and stay out until regular bed time.

Hotels I have stayed at in Italy are quiet. I go to sleep and awake early the next morning.

An article related --

Posted by
8106 posts

You have to assume that different regimes work better for different people. So try more than one. After 50 trips to Europe from the East Coast USA, I still use this old plan from Jane Brody at the NY Times. The article (maybe 5 free articles a month for you ... ?) is difficult to read. If you have access to The Times Machine, there was a graphic chart with the article that made the plan much easier to understand and apply.

Posted by
5585 posts

Jetlag is always worse for me when travelling west. I'd previously read a number of recommendations for melatonin. In the UK melatonin is prescription only but I'd read that it can be bought off the shelf in the US. Cue a quick visit to a nearby Walmart whilst in the States two years ago and I bought a couple of jars. I'm not sure if it's a placebo effect but within 20 minutes of taking a tablet I'm asleep so, for me, it's a good way to help get my sleep pattern back on track.

Posted by
1952 posts

Don't confuse jet lag with sleep deprivation. They are different. Catching up on sleep is easier than the affects of jet lag. Also, be careful with sleep aids like melatonin, ambient, etc. Sometimes that make your jet lag worse.

Posted by
2805 posts

I took it years ago. Horrid reaction. Heart racing, shaky, I honestly thought I was going to pass out. Never again

Posted by
17603 posts

Regarding the dilution factor, note that the homeopathic 30C designation means that the original amount of each ingredient, ipecac, arnica, bellis, etc., is diluted by a factor of 1 X 10^60, which is scientific notation for a 1 followed by 60 zeros. I don't know how many gazillions that is but there is probably a name for that number. It is greater than an octillion ( one followed by either 27 or 48 zeros) but less than a googol ( one followed by 100 zeros).

If you recall Avogadro's number from your high school chemistry (1 X 10^23), you will see that this dilution is so much greater than the number of molecules in a mole of the herbal substance being diluted that it is random chance whether there is even one molecule of the stuff left in the end product.

Posted by
15181 posts


You know your system best. Keep in mind how you feel after each time you land in Europe. Not everyone is jetlagged flying from west to east.

Which airport are you flying out from? Is your reaction at each arrival always the same? How do you actually feel after clearing Immigration and Baggage Claim? Fit as a fiddle, ready and good to do? Maybe after the hot meal soon after landing?

At what time are you landing?

I think it makes a difference and would much prefer landing in Paris, London or Frankfurt, the only 3 airports I choose for arrival, in the morning, ie, anytime from 09:30 hrs to 11:00 That means I book basically a night flight departing from SFO or OAK.

Bottom line, if you don't want to gamble on the price, ie, save on that needless expense, then I suggest don't buy it.

Posted by
17603 posts

Thanks, Joe32. You are a fount of knowledge!

I am with lisalu in finding the homeward ( westbound) trip tough in terms of recovery afterward. Going over on the overnight flight from the West Coast, the night is short but I do get around 6 hours of sleep at what would be my usual sleep time. I arrive feeling pretty normal and excited to be in Europe. We get outside, walk around, eat dinner around 7:30 pm local time, and get to bed by 10 pm. No jet lag feeling at all the next day.

Coming back (westbound), it is a daytime flight, so difficult to sleep. And the sleep is at the wrong time, in terms of circadian rhythms. It usually takes me days to feel normal after getting home.

Posted by
5585 posts

The excitement of "being there" carries the day when you arrive in Europe fresh on your first day of vacation and raring to go. It's not so hard to stay awake the long hours to catch up on local time when you're excited to be there. Coming home, though, it is the end of the vacation and maybe even a bit of a let-down.

Ah but for me, going west, to the US, Caribbean, Central America etc means it's holiday time. The flight time may well be a factor as you mentioned, when we fly to the US it's typically a mid morning flight which means arrival is usually in the afternoon whereas flying back to the UK usually involves a night flight and I will always manage some amount of sleep. No matter how late I manage to stay up, even making it to 10 pm I am always guaranteed to be awake at about 3 or 4 am.

Posted by
15181 posts

"The excitement of 'being there' carries the day in Europe fresh on your first day...." Exactly . How true.!

Posted by
9 posts

Thanks all! Someone gave us the stuff so I'm inclined not to take it. Like everyone seemed to say, it is worse coming back than going. I just wasn't sure since it is 10 years since we last went to Europe.