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Itineray 5 Days Rome/Florence

My fiance and I are going to Rome, he has 1st week business, I will be on my own. Then we will have 5 days together to explore. I have been to Italy a few times before, this will be his first. So--I am thinking all we have time for is one city outside of Rome (I want him to experience the trains!) so I thought one morning we travel to Florence to see the Duomo, stay one night, come back to Rome next day, since we are flying in and out of Rome. Also, can't decide on the MUST-SEEs in Rome. Anyone for suggestions on improving this itinerary? Thanks!

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Mary - With the time you guys have your itinerary is fine. In Rome there are so many things to see and do. I always stay at -
An excellent Hotel located right at The Spanish Steps and very easy walking to The Trevi Fountain, Via Veneto, and The Roman Forum. On Via Veneto you can pick up an open air bus that will take you to the major sights, allowing you to get off and back on as often as you like. By the steps there are many excellent Cafes on the side streets for dinner or up on Via Veneto to their Cafes. FUN!!
The train up to Florence is no problem and you can see a few of the major sights before returning to Roma.

Have a Great Time, Greg