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Italy/ train/ bus

We will be traveling from Assisi to Montepulciano ( not driving) on Tuesday the 30th of Sept. what is the most efficient way of doing that?

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15899 posts

Driving is the most efficient way. Second most efficient is probably a train th Chiusi, then a taxi or bus to Montepulciano.

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4 posts

Thanks for the reply. We have realized we need a car, so just reserved one...and extended the car trip to Rome...thanks for the feedback.

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32329 posts

Susan, Be sure to obtain International Driver's Permits for each driver before travelling, as they're compulsory in Italy (even if you're never asked for it). Also, be VERY careful to avoid the ZTL areas, which exist in many towns in Italy these days. Happy travels!

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4 posts

We knew to plan for the license, but the ZTL ares? Will check it out, thank you...advice?

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33556 posts

Make sure you get the IDP from the proper outlet: AAA/CAA. If it is a IDLicense it is not legal; sold on the internet they are a fraud. The dreaded ZTL: Zone of Traffic Limited very roughly translated into English. Most towns and cities have these and they are areas where you MUST NOT DRIVE during the enforced times unless you have been granted an exemption for that particular ZTL. Many cities have several of these areas and an exemption or permit for one ZTL is only for that one and not valid in any others. They are to restrict traffic in the centres and only allow certain vehicles access. Sometimes there is a gate or lowering bollard but usually only a traffic light or sign. Penalties for infingement are doled out sutomatically by banks of cameras and can be exceedingly expensive. Rental car drivers have it worst because they also have to pay an expensive fee to the rental company for proving your details to the police after an infraction and then the expensive ticket arrives by mail usually many months later. Don't enter the dreaded ZTLs unless you know exactly what you are doing and unless you have previously obtained an examption and even then be careful because some hotels have been known to "forget" to notify the police that you are legal.

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15899 posts

If you have never driven to Italy before, in addition to the IDP, I suggest the following. Become familiar with the International Road Signs used in Europe. They are based on symbols, rather than words, and most are self explanatory but not all will be intuitive. Go to the website below and become familiar with them, and take a printout with you. The ZTL are areas where traffic is restricted to residents with permits. They are usually inside ancient historical city centers, roughly inside the perimeters of the medieval city walls of ancient towns. They are marked by the road sign below: Other helpful driving hints: Right turn is not permitted on a red light, unless there is a green right arrow light. Roundabouts are very common. Become familiar with them. Maybe there are some in Olympia where you an practice. Remember that cars already in the roundabout have the right of way. You must yield to them before entering in the roundabout (a yield sign will remind you that however). The major difference in Europe is the freeway driving. It is mandatory to stay in the right lanes and use the left lane for passing only. Absolutely NO CRUISING in the left lane. You must clear the left lane and return to the right lanes as soon as you have completed your passing. You cannot pass cars on the freeway using the right lane. you can only pass cars on their left, using the left lanes. Speeding was a popular Italian practice in the past. No longer. There are speed cameras literally everywhere, which will take a picture of your plate if you speed, and send the fine to the rental agency. You will be held responsible for fines incurred while driving the rental car.

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4 posts

Wow, thank you all so much, especially Robert, for the helpful tips. Invaluable information. We will be much better equipped now. Yes, it will not only be our first time in Italy, but first time renting a car in Europe, so need all the help we can get. Will we be able to get decent maps (hard copies)of central Italy while there? I am having a bugger of a time getting any to print off the internet here. Amazon review of maps are mixed. We will have a couple of internet devices, but don't plan to use them outside hotel rooms, etc. I am especially concerned about Montepulciano, as we have reservations right in the heart of downtown. I will email them asking for advice and hoping we don't bumble into the "wrong" area in our search for a parking place and way to get to the hotel (Vicolo dell'oste). I have printed out much of the suggested sites...Thanks again.