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Italy: Sorrento to Paestum

We were thinking about renting a car from Sorrento to get to Paestum, traveling via the autostrada. Would that be the fastest, easiest and most inexpensive way to go?

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33549 posts

I've done it both the northern way and the southern way, via the Amalfi coast. The northern route from Sorrento via Castellammare, just before which the road turns to a dual carriageway, and Pompei where you have to turn back on yourself to get on the autostrada, then south past Salerno, past all the highway construction (well plenty of it a couple of years ago - and this being Italy my guess is there's still plenty), and off at the road (2 lane, lots of trucks, seriously boring, mostly nearly straight) down to Paestum. Its not the most straightforward route. You might find it a wee touch easier to collect a car, if you go that way, at Salerno, nearly half way. The southern route is along the (daunting to many, and often busy) Amalfi coast to Salerno, then pick up the Autostrada and follow from above. Is it the fastest? Maybe, but don't forget to add in time for getting the car, and taking back the car. Easiest? If you don't get lost, have an accident or fender bender. If you have experience of driving in the Naples area and the South of Italy. Most inexpensive? Doubt it, but since I drove my own car and don't rent, nor did I take the train or bus or taxi there, dunno. Worth it to go to Paestum? Absolutely - for me and my wife. First trip to Italy? Or to the Bay of Naples?

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32327 posts

Cindy, Using a rental car is certainly one option, but might not be the "fastest, easiest and most inexpensive way to go". In the same situation, I'd probably consider taking the Circumvesuviana from Sorrento to Torre Annunziata (time 0H:33M). From there it will be necessary to transfer to the "regular" FS trains to Paestum (time ~1H:00M). One important point to note is that the Circumvesuviana stops at Torre Annuziata Oplonti station, while the FS train uses Torre Annuziata Centrale. I don't have any information on the distance between the two stations, but as usual I'd probably use a Taxi. Good luck and happy travels!

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2829 posts

The easiest way is to drive back to Pompei, take A3 until Battipaglia exit, then head south in a fast road (2-lane only) to Paestum. The most scenic way is to enjoy having the car and driving via the Costiera Amalfitana to Salerno, then follow A3. There is an alternative route Salerno-Paestum via a coastal road, but it is flat, boring and dominated by run-down resorts.

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33549 posts

Andre L., you didn't find the inland route from Battipaglia to Paestum pretty awful too?

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2829 posts

Nigel, it is not a very good route, but at least it has less bumpers, traffic signs and low speed (70 km/h) zones.

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1829 posts

The easiest, but not cheapest, way would be a guided tour from Sorrento. We did this one about a year ago and it was not bad. We had not been to Paestum for about 20 years and I was impressed by the new Museum and the site is more organised these days. The site entry costs (combined museum and ruins ticket) are extra. The cathedral in Salerno is worth visiting. If you do not want to eat at one of the restos at the site, do what we did and take a picnic bought in Sorrento

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8 posts

Thank you all for your suggestions for traveling from Sorrento to Paestum. We have yet to make a decision, but your responses will come in very handy when we do decide.

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119 posts

Paestum is really great for a visit! We went by train from Sorrento. We visited the museum first and then the outdoor area, which was almost a mistake! The museum stays open later and I didn't realize that. We did get to view the site, but I would have liked a little more time out there. The museum allows photography.