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Ireland - France Ferry

We'd like to take the ferry from Cherbourg to Rosslare at the beginning of April. I am looking for comments/suggestions/experiences for any aspect of this. We will not have a car.

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I do not have experience with that ferry, but do with Italian and Greek ferries. If it works for your itinerary, then go for it, but in general, my advice for ferries is: 1. Ferries are utilitarian transportation, not a luxury cruise, they can be uncomfortable and slow, if at night, obviously you see nothing. Do not romanticize the experience. 2. If you plan to sleep, upgrade to a bed, at least in a dorm, better in a cabin, but the cost goes up significantly. 3. Ferries (even large ones) tend to be smaller vessels and are affected easily by wave swells and weather. At least be prepared for rough weather in the Atlantic, in April.