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iphone guidebooks

We are travelling to Paris in January and would like to download some guidebook apps. Does anyone know where Canadians can download these guidebooks?

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2 posts

Thanks for the info Steve, however in Canada we cannot download from

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951 posts

the iphone has a Kindle app. One then can download from and you can download Rick Steves. Give that a try. The app is free and the book download is $10 US.

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368 posts

Likewise they are in Canada and cannot download the Kindle app.

Sandra, I can access the RS apps on iTunes with my Canadian account. They cost $5 so I don't want to buy one at the moment, so where do you get stuck?

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32325 posts


"Thanks for the info Steve, however in Canada we cannot download from"

I download App's from I-Tunes on a regular basis. You'll need to have an account with the Canadian I-Tunes site, but don't see any reason why you can't download App's from Rick (or anyone else).

Although I haven't checked too carefully, I don't think there are too many (any?) European "Guidebooks" offered by I-Tunes. There was somewhat of a debate on Rick's Blog regarding the merits of paper vs. electronic Guidebooks, however it looks like ETBD will be staying with paper versions for now.

Lonely Planet offers downloadable PDF files of individual chapters of their Guidebooks. These can be viewed on any handheld device that's capable of viewing PDF files.
