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IPads and airport security checks

We are flying next week to Europe. I recently purchased an IPad and want to take it with me. I asked the folks at the Apple store whether the TSA considers an IPad a computer and requires you to remove it and put it through the x-ray separately. They said no. I asked my neighbor who is a flight attendant and he wasn't sure. Can anyone give me an answer based on recent personal experience? Thanks in advance.

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9110 posts

I've always seen tablets go through separately just like any other computer. It ain't that hard. Why be concerned about it?

Posted by
2777 posts

No, your IPad does not have to be placed in a sepeate bin. I have been flying with mine for quite a while and it never comes out (nor does my Kindle if it goes)

Posted by
96 posts

Ed, with the extra security checks and body scans, I don't want to have my expensive IPad go missing while I'm getting frisked by the TSA. I'm trying to plan in case I have to put it in a bin as opposed to leaving it in my carry-on suitcase.

Posted by
9109 posts

Lois, you're Ipad isn't ain't going anywhere. There are lots of cameras in places at the security checkpoints. If someone were to steal it they would be caught very quickly. But different airport treat Ipads and other devices differently. This recent NY Times article describes the minefield:

Posted by
96 posts

Thanks for the link to the article, Michael. Just confirms what I've been suspecting all of these years, that much of what goes on is simply for show.

Posted by
2777 posts

All I can say is I have flown with mine for probably a year.. At first I took it out because I thought I was suppose too... I quit about 9 months ago and have NEVER been asked to take it out. And that's with an average of 4 to 6 screens a month by the Thousands Standing Around at airports all over the US. As for theft, my PERSONAL view is a lot of the so called "theft" at the screening checkpoints is really "I forgot my laptop, tablet etc and don't want to look like an idiot" At one airport I fly out of a lot (SNA) they do very nice announcements. Sit there an hour and you will hear at least one to two "would the person leaving a laptop, cell phone etc at checkpoint X return to claim your item" We had a guy at my old office claim all kinds of things about how his laptop was stolen! He was busted when the airport called the office and said "based on the sticker on this machine we think it belongs to someone at your office, it was left at the security checkpoint"

Posted by
875 posts

Don't know why, but TSA does not consider them in the same way as a laptop. We were told we didn't have to remove it from the bag we were carrying it in.

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4 posts

I just flew recently, and the TSA offical asked me to Not take my Ipad out as it just delays the line and is not required.

Posted by
96 posts

Thanks for the new messages. I will keep my IPad in my backpack but readily available if someone wants to see it. I'm also putting my cuticle scissors, which the TSA says is okay but were taken from me in Vancouver Canada two years ago, in my liquids baggie. Trying to eliminate any hassles.

Posted by
100 posts

I had the same experience as David. Sometimes I was told to take it out an put it in a separate bin. Othertimes not. Now I simply keep it handy and ask.

Posted by
31 posts

When going through security with my iPad not only did I have to take it out for inspection, but they made me turn it on to prove that it worked. I hate when they do this, because then your attention is diverted away from your other valuables, like your meds and camera that have gone through and are sitting in a bin on the other side of the checkpoint, for any passers-by to steal.

Posted by
6788 posts

Expect the unexpected. I flew a bit with my iPad over the past few weeks, and it was treated inconsistently. Some airport security screeners sternly insisted it be removed from any bags, some wanted it placed in a separate bin, others laughed and said no need to remove it at all (and acted as if the very idea was silly when I asked them). Be prepared for arbitrary, nonsensical demands that seem like they're just being made up on the spot, lack of consistency, surly staff, and you won't be surprised or disappointed.

Posted by
96 posts

Thanks for all of your input. I've now been home for 4 weeks and flew on two different airlines to and from Europe. I initially asked when leaving San Diego and like someone else said, they almost laughed as they told me to keep my iPad in my carry-on. After that I didn't ask and kept in in the bag and no one said anything different. My initial concern was exactly what someone stated, that if I was required to show it and operate it in the security line, my valuables would be sitting there for anyone to help themselves to. If they can't detect some weapons with their security, I doubt that if someone grabbed one of my bags that anyone would be willing to search down the thief. Anyway, smooth sailing, at least this time!

Posted by
2916 posts

David hit the nail on the head, not just for IPads, computers, etc., but everything. Total inconsistency. First, shoes off, but belts can stay on. Next place, shoes can stay on, but belts off. Next place, everything off.

Posted by
9 posts

I went through screening at two airports last week. I did not have to remove my tablet either time. Some time ago, the TSA blog site stated that tablets may remain in your bag.
Also, at one airport, I was required to remove my "TSA friendly" belt but not at the other. Bottom line: It depends on the screener.

Posted by
403 posts

My experience has been the same as David's: completely unpredictable. Technically you aren't supposed to have to take out your iPad, but it really depends on the arbitrary mood of the TSA person working the line. I've seen 2 TSA agents argue over a tablet from another maker (can't remember which one). They were going at it over whether the thing needed to go through the Xray in or out of the bag. Of course, by now it was out of the bag and the whole scene was beyond absurd. Wasn't my device, but it sure held up the line. In Europe, it's also nutty. I've had to take the iPad out in London, every single electric thing in my bag in Paris (including the camera battery!), but nothing in Amsterdam. Again, totally arbitrary.

Posted by
100 posts

When we flew out of Rome last Friday, we had to take everything "electronic" out and put in a separate bag. Cameras, batteries, electronic flash, charging cords, ipad, iphones. What a pain. They weren't the least bit interested in liquids. Yes, we had to remove our shoes.

Posted by
96 posts

Wow, Dianne, we were just in Rome four weeks ago and didn't have any problem like that! Maybe something happened between then and now that now causes them to question electronic devices. Were they doing this to everyone or just you?

Posted by
100 posts

It was everyone. When we checked in (with Delta), they handed us plastic bags and told us to put all our electronics in them. Don't have any idea why, we just put the plastic bag in its own bin. But it was a pain digging everything out and the putting it back.