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23653 posts

This site has been referenced before. Are you engaging in a little buzz market?

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1317 posts

Frank, I'm one of the ones who has mentioned this site before in passing when I felt it was appropriate--I do think it is tacky to post a link with no description or relevant reason.

So for those who are curious--Chris Elliott is a travel ombudsman who primarily helps travelers resolve problems with their airline, cruises, hotels, rental car agencies, etc. I believe his column is nationally syndicated and published in newspapers across the U.S. I know I have found his articles on MSNBC, and I believe he has some connection to National Geographic.

The website Jonathan linked to is Chris's own website where he publishes his columns, as well as his travelshooter blog. It's actually an excellent resource for resolving problems, as he has information on how to resolve disputes on your own, and if all else fails, he is usually pretty successful at getting things resolved.

When NWA screwed up our tickets out of Italy in 2008, forcing me to buy 2 new tickets from Florence to Amsterdam at the counter that morning, I used the contact info and guidelines from Chris's site to get NWA to issue a full refund. Happily, I didn't have to get him involved, but if NWA had given me a no, that would have been my next step.

Those who follow travel news may have heard of two bloggers who were subponeaed by the TSA after publishing a TSA memo/document--Chris was one of them.

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9279 posts

I think it would be nice Jonathon, if you said what the site is about. I know tons of interesting sites, but it doesn't mean that everyone else will like them. Please post what the site is for.

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23653 posts

Jo, I could classify it more as a personal rant site with a bunch of ads. I am sure he is getting paid for every hit.