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independent traveling through Europe

has anyone used Eurolines Pass or Busabout Europe? the idea of jumping on and off a bus along the way is appealing to me and sounds like it would be ideal for an independent traveler without a fixed itinerary. thanks

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12040 posts

In some countries, buses are not set up for long distance travel (like Greyhound in the US) but to supplement the rail system- the rail station being the hub, and the buses acting as the spokes to connect to towns and neighborhoods not serviced by rail. So often, they aren't the best means for travelers to get about between destinations.

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292 posts

I've never used a Eurolines pass, but I have traveled on Eurolines before (and my parents did too to get to Madrid during the whole Icelandic volcano thing!). They're okay, but if it were me, I doubt I would use them for more than an "I'm broke but want to go on a trip" occasions. There are two big things to keep in mind...

  1. The biggest thing is your journeys have to be international. As in, you can't go from Munich to Berlin, you have to leave Germany. Not a big deal if you want to see only one city in each country, but it's a bummer if you want to move around much.

  2. It's a long, long ride. Paris-Madrid is 17 hours, Paris-Cologne 8 hours, you get the idea. Depending on your mood and the other passengers this can be fun or a nightmare (overnight bus in tiny seats with screaming babies, etc.). You do get to see lots of gas stations though (I'm not being sarcastic, I like to visit gas stations).

I don't know anything about Busabout, but if you do Eurolines, you've got to keep in mind that each time you go somewhere, you can easily lose a day or more and it has to be international.

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6 posts

hi amy, I think you know what you're talking about. your reply has settled my thoughts about a bus to hop on and off throughout europe without a lot of serious scheduling. thanks so much, I will get out my rail map and also do some flying. many thanks, kelly

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1158 posts

Flying is cheaper and faster than busing.
I use to check prices and flights in Europe. It's the best site so far.