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In January, transfer at JFK or ATL?

I'm taking a group of students from SFO to Rome in January. We are booked on Delta, originally through ATL as I thought we would have less potential weather delays. Well, Delta canceled the ATL to ROM flight for that day and now we are through JFK. I can keep it JFK, or switch to the day before to be back through ATL.

I've never flown Delta and never through either of those airports (I live where the airports don't ever have to shut down for weather!). Any recommendations?

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51 posts

Thanks Frank and Darcy.

Switching to Northwest doesn't seem like a viable option at this point, but I appreciate the heads up for future trips.

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2092 posts

Hi Robin, Have you considered flying SFO to Seattle, then possibly to Amsterdam, then Rome? In 2005 and 2007 I had a favorite travel partner fly from Sacramento to join us in Seattle for a flight to Rome and then in '07 to Paris. Especially in January it could well be worth the extra dollars, if it does cost more, rather than be delayed for who knows how long. JFK is one of the worst airports, I think, for delays and that's when the weather is good!
The SEA to AMS flight is currently a Northwest Airlines flight but of course NWA has joined Delta so it'll be a Delta flight before long--if it still exists!
Also I find it easier not to fly across the US but to make connections in's just a more comfortable flight and easier on the jet lag.

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16031 posts

Robin....flip a coin.....both airports can be horrendous.

If there is bad weather in NY, you could be delayed. But then, there is so much traffic in Atlanta, delays happen all the time. And sometimes bad weather.

I would consider how long a connection you have plus total flight time.

The less connections and idle time you can have with a group, the better.

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800 posts

Robin - I'm definitely predjudiced as I live in Atlanta. But then again, it means I fly in and out of there all the time. We are definitely useless if (heaven forbid) it does snow - but that is because we only get snow that sticks once every 1-2 years. The worst delays we have had have been in the summer with thunderstorms. All our December/January flights have been fine. We did fly through JFK a year ago and the one problem we had was coming back. Going through immigration took well over an hour- line was horrendous - there were many who missed their connecting flights! I'd be interested to know if that was just a fluke or if immigration at JFK is always pretty bad.

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19232 posts

Boy, take about being between a rock and a hard spot. I don't like any of your options.

Connecting in the U.S. is not nice, considering the extra charge for checking bags and meals on domestic flights.

However, I like connecting in Europe even less. On my first flight to Europe, I connected in London on the way to the continent, and four hours in the international lounge at Heathrow, when it was midnight to 4 am at home, was not fun. I was sleepy but didn't dare sleep for fear of missing my next flight.

Connecting in Europe, at an airport in a foreign language, when you are falling asleep is not a good idea. And, if you don't have a lot of time to kill, you risk missing your connecting flight if your trans-atlantic flight is late.

I don't mind connecting in Europe on the way home, but on the way over, never again.

Connecting through Atlanta for sure adds an extra hour to your flight, but by connecting in NY, you risk winter delays.

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864 posts

I definately vote for ATL over JFK. Less chance of weather delay (summer is a WHOLE different matter). Darn, an extra day in Rome... On a side note you probably don't have to pay for your baggage since you have an international ticket, this despite the fact that you are making a domestic connection. That was our experience in September on a trip to London on American. San Diego to Boston to London and reverse. Oh and we took three weeks off to tour the Fall Colors when we returned to Boston from London before returning to San Diego. Love those international tickets.

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51 posts

I'm hearing the same concerns I have, which is why I was so back and forth on this decision! :-) I'm thinking, if I can make it work, I will switch us to the day before (yes - an extra day in Rome!) so we can go through Atlanta.

Thanks for your opinions!!

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424 posts

Hi Robin. I have flown Delta both from ATL and JFK to Italy. Atlanta is so much easier to deal with - going through customs on the return is so much less hassle. I have been stuck on the tarmac at JFK for 1.5 hours, waiting for takeoff. The pilot said that was normal for JFK "Rush Hour". My vote would be to transfer through ATL. I was very pleased with Delta.

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9145 posts

I have flown Delta a number of times but always a direct flight between Cincinnati and Frankfurt. Last time, ended up in Frankfurt an hour early! They did delay our bags when we flew on to Columbus, (we only had 40 min. between our connecting flight) but Delta had them delivered to where we were staying a few hours later. They also gave us little overnight kits in case our bags did not make it that evening. Large t-shirt, toothbrush and toothpaste, razor, socks, soap and shampoo, deo, lip balm. Thought that was a nice touch. I think they are very friendly and helpful, especially at their hubs, like in Cinci. When my kids were young, they would offer to help me with my luggage, hold my baby while I got out my passport, etc. and they have someone there greeting folks as they come into the luggage area so they can be directed in the right areas.

I think I would vote for Atlanta over JFK ANY day.

Is there no way you can go up towards Seattle and then on to Europe? This lets you fly that nice arc that can cut hours off of a flight.

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51 posts

Update - talked with my students, parents, & then Delta today. We have been switched to leave one day earlier and go through Atlanta instead of JFK! Yay! One more day in Rome - woohoo!!

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3261 posts

Thanks for the update Robin! It's always fun to hear the outcome--I think you made a good decision!