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I really need help with everyday travel around Italy.

Hi, My bf is in the US navy and he is thinking of working in Naples soon. I am going to Florence Italy to study for 3 years. What is the easiest way to travel too see each other and if by train. Do you think they make special deals for students or anyone that travels back and forth everyday from Florence to Naples. Is it better to go by scooter?
Please help. Thankyou

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32325 posts

carolyn, For travel between Florence and Naples, train is absolutely the best method! There are frequent EuroStar Italia / Alta Velocita trains on that route every day (travel time 3H). If you purchase tickets prior to the day of travel, you can obtain the discounted "Mini" fares. Have a look at This Website which provides a LOT of excellent information on travel in Italy (including details on the "Mini" fares). NO, it is NOT a good idea to travel by Scooter between Florence and Naples! I believe there's also information on Scooter travel on the above website. I don't have any information on student fares. Good luck!

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833 posts

Notice the distance between Florence and Naples, and realize that traveling by "scooter" would be nearly impossible. When you say every day, I hope you do not actually mean every day. It would be very time consuming as these cities are quite far apart! I know it can be hard to be away from a loved one (my now fiance and I spent 9 months of being 500+ miles apart and seeing each other once a month while I was away at school. If you are set on seeing him more than each weekend or so, consider studying in a city closer to Naples. Taking a train back and forth every day is not practical. As Ken mentioned, Mini fares are great deals. There is a special card you can buy for 40 euro as a student that will provide you with 10% off regular fares, but you will save a lot more money with the Mini.

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2 posts

Hi, Thank you both for the help, information and advice, I have definitely thought about it.
I wish there was an easier way. I wish i could study closer but i have already enrolled and i am looking very forward too seeing him if he does come down to Naples as we are already apart. He is in the states and i am in Seychelles. But again thank you.

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833 posts

There is no special discount for students per se, as Andre noted, but what I was referring to is the Carta Verde pass, which you can use as long as you are under 26. You can learn more here: You will still be able to see him of course, being in Florence and him in Naples, I just wanted to mention that it's not practical to think you would do the trip every single day. It is a very long distance. But when you do get to visit, train is your best bet!

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33513 posts

When the others have said its a long way I thought you might like to know just how far. On the most direct (lots of tolls) route it is just short of 300 miles each way.
If you tried to drive it on a regular basis it would take you around 8 to 10 hours to get there and back.