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How to work out metro Prices?

Am I right in thinking a single ticket, per person on the Metro is just €1.40, and you could stay on as long as you need to get to you destination, does this include changing lines, ie at the same station..
Also if I buy a carnet , does one ticket serve the same purpose.
I find this a bit hard to believe, sounds way too inexpensive to me, considering the cost of other things in Paris.
If this information is wrong can someone explain the system to me. Thanks.

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23736 posts

Yes, once behind the ticket gate or turnstile you can use any train all day. But once your exit you need a new ticket to get back in. So don't exit by mistake. And keep your ticket handy. I have been stopped a couple times by police who want to see the stamped ticket.

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8700 posts

With the fare increase on 1 July, a single ticket is now €1.50. A carnet costs €11.10. Each ticket is good anywhere the Metro goes and on the RER in zone 1. It provides unlimited transfers so long as you don't exit the system. With the old "t" ticket, each change of buses required a new ticket. With the new "t+" ticket, you can use one ticket to make bus transfers for up to 90 minutes after you get on your first bus.

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683 posts

You can see what Zone 1 is by looking at the system map in each station. Alsoo, if u would prefer, u can download a system map of the Paris Metro from the web

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4555 posts

Zone 1 covers all the Metro lines and the associated RER lines to about the same distances from the center of Paris. Again, generally speaking, zone 1 is everything inside the Peripherique ring road. However, the RER out to Versailles is Zone 4....CDG airport is in zone 5. So on the RER, you pay more the farther you travel outside the Paris area. For maps listing the Metro lines, and the RER and its various zones, see

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8700 posts

Zone 1 is all of Paris out to the edge of the suburbs. Go to and click on the British flag. Then click on "Metro Maps" in the upper right-hand corner. Then download and print the map. Zone 2 starts where the background color changes.

If you print a RER map, you will see the more distant zones as well as zones 1 & 2.

While a carnet is a good deal, there also are several kinds of Paris transit passes. The best one, if any, for you depends on how long you'll be in Paris, what day of the week you'll arrive and what day of the week you'll depart, and whether you're arriving and departing by plane or train. If you give me those details, I'll list your options.

Posted by
66 posts

Hi Tim
I'm only going to be in Paris Sun 9th -Thu 13t.
We won't arrive at Beauvais airport till 6.30 sun evening.
I 'm flying with a budget arline that's why I ended up at Beauvais(The Irish one , beggining with a R)
Anyway will have to get a bus to Porte maillottt, then metro to La defense then Take RER to Maisons Laffitte campsite where we are staying.
It's going to be such a hassle on a Sun eve.
We'll only have 3 full days really beacuse our flight is at 4pm on Thu so we'l have to leave Porte Maillott at 12. I wonder will it be worth getting a carnet , me and my daughter could share them

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4555 posts

It depends on what you want to see. Most of sites you'll want to see are within walking distance of one downtown spot, say Notre Dame. So it really depends on how much you want to walk. Don't forget, your RER ticket allows you one transfer onto the subway. So to save a bit, make each morning's destination the "farthest away" from the downtown area, if you can. For example, one morning, do Sacre Coeur first off the bat...then you can use your RER ticket coming in from the campground to transfer to the Metro to get up to Sacre Coeur. Then you'll only need 2 metro tickets to head back "downtown." And, using the maps on the RATP website, end your day close to an RER station (they're almost as frequent as Metro stations) so you only have to purchase one RER ticket to get back out to Maisons Lafitte. They keep ticket prices low because they want people to take public transit, not their cars!

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8700 posts

According to the Transilien site, the fare from central Paris to Maisons Laffitte is €3.50. The price for a carnet SPECIFICALLY FOR THIS is €28. I suggest you buy two carnets when you get to Porte Maillot, the special one and the regular one €11.10). Use the special one to get back and forth between Paris and Maisons Laffitte. Use the regular one for your rides within Paris Monday-Wednesday.

Posted by
66 posts

Hi me again,
Just wondering are kids the same price on public transport?

Posted by
4555 posts

RER fares are half price for kids 10 and under....on the Metro, you can only purchase a carnet of 10 tickets for kids 9 and under for 5.50 Euro. If your child qualifies, then your RER fare to and from the campground would be 10.50 Euro per day...if not, then 14 Euro/day.

Posted by
66 posts

I'm staying in maisons -Laffitte with my daughter she's 15, my friend will be with us and her kids are 6 and 11.Were taking the RER each morning from ML and me and my daughter are getting off in Paris, my friend is going on to Disney with her kids and we're meeting up later in the evening.
I'm trying to work ou for her how much shell have to pay for travel.She's no computer at the moment so she hasn't the luxury of this forum like me.
Any help?

Posted by
8700 posts

A single (one-way) ticket for Maisons-Laffitte to Marne-la-Vallee-Chessey (Disneyland station) is €9.30 for adults and €4.60 for children. However, a one-day zone 1-5 Mobilis pass costs €12.50 and would cover all rides anywhere within those zones (except to the airports which are excluded) all day long.