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How to get from Napoli Centrale- Molo Beverello

any suggestion on best way to do this? is there a bus or taxicab or car company to call. cost for either?
thank you all!

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Here's a quote from a post on Trip Advisor:

"The easiest way to get from the Napoli Centrale railway station to the Port (Molo Beverello) is to use the Alibus. Exit the station to the right near the McDonalds & look for a small blue sign marked 'Alibus' to the right of the normal city bus stop. The Alibus runs approx. every 20 min. in a circular route, from Napoli Centrale train station, to Capodichino airport, to Piazza Municipio across from Molo Beverello port, and back to Napoli Centrale train station. Buy the ticket for 3 euros/per person onboard from the driver, then immediately validate it in the yellow machine. Once the bus reaches Piazza Municipio (in front of an old castle) walk less than 2 minutes towards the castle & to the left, along the steel walkway. Cross the busy street & you should be able to see the port with the ferries & cruise ships."

Since this is an old post (2008), the fare may be out of date.