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How to get from Croatia(Split) to Egypt(Cairo or Dahab)

Hello fellow travellers, We're having a hard time trying to find the cheapest way to get from Split, Croatia to Dahab or Cairo, Egypt. Has anyone done the same route? Your suggestions and recommendations will be much appreciated. Thanks in advance Claudia and Jayson

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403 posts

When are you traveling? Do you need to return to Croatia? lists oneway flights from Zagreb to Cairo (via Vienna) around $500 in September, 2012. Zagreb is going to be your best bet to fly out. I'm not aware of any other way to get there that would be at all efficient or reasonable other than flying.

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1591 posts

I think you are traveling on a route that probably does not have a lot of tourists on. Hence, you will need to connect through some place. All of the major carriers will be able to get you there (Air France, Lufthansa, Turkish, Austrian, etc.) I haven't done this exact route but about 2 years ago when I was doing some research the flights between Athens and Cairo were fairly cheap. I ended up flying Aegean to Egypt and Egyptair on the return. Flights within Egypt itself are cheap - hence, Egypt to Dahab should't set you back too much. You may want to play with buying 2 separate tickets - one to/from Istanbul/Athens/FRA/MUC and one from there to CAI.