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How to get from Cesky Krumlov directly to Ljubljana?

Hello fellow travelers, We have been searching the internet and the boards and are still a little confused. We are trying to get from Cesky Krumlov to Ljubljana. I've tried IDOS but it has so many things listed for the trip, that we can't figure out if we have to change trains, or stay on for all the stops, etc. Somehow I once managed to travel Europe by myself for 2 months, but I can't figure this out. If you know of any other good ways, or can decipher what this says below, please let me know. We'll be in Prague for 3 days prior to going to CK for 2 nights. Then Slovenia for 3 nights then off to Venice! ***SIDENOTE - we're also having a tough time figuring out how to get to Venice from Ljubljana. We'll be renting a car in Slovenia and returning it either in Ljubljana or somewhere else that makes sense before getting some transportation to Venice. THANKS SO MUCH!!!!! ARR DEP CONNECTIONS 4.19 Czech Krumlov 8:34 8:36 Os 8102 Czech Budejovice již.z. 9:22 10:03 Sp 1931 Donau Moldau Linz Hbf 12:24 12:32 OIC 548 ERLEBNISRE Gion Tennengau Salzburg Hbf 13:48 14:12 EC 113 Villach Hbf 16:43 16:53 213 Ljubljana 18:31 18:35 Overall time 9 hours 55 min.
Czech Railways ; waterfront L. Svoboda 1222/12, 110 15 Prague 1 +420 840 112 113 (Os 8102) Czech Railways ; waterfront L. Svoboda 1222/12, 110 15 Prague 1 +420 840 112 113 (Czech Budejovice-> Summerau Gr.) ÖBB Personenverkehr , Postfach 76, 1020 Wien (Summerau Gr. -> Linz Hbf) (Sp 1931) runs till 20 V. on Mo - Fr , runs not 1 IV., 1.8 V, runs from 2 IX. he Mo - Fr , 28 runs not X.

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4637 posts

As you figured out there is no direct public transportation link between C.K. and Ljubljana. If you check DB website you will find that you have to change trains at least 3 times: In Ceske Budejovice, Linz and Salzburg. There is a direct train between Salzburg and Ljubljana. You can find your connection between Ljubljana and Venice on DB website, too. The fastest is to go by train to Villach and then by bus operated by OBB (Austrian Rail) to Venice. If you do it all by train then you have to add another change in Udine.

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705 posts

Here's a possibility for your consideration. Take a shuttle (they use cars or vans) from CK to Linz main train station. We did this last August and it took about an hour, maybe a little more. There are several shuttle companies, just google. You can find trains from Linz to Ljubljana with just one or two changes that take 5H 38M. With the right timing the trip should be at least a couple hours less than what you show in your post. Good luck and have a great trip.