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How to book tickets from Wengen to Varenna

Planning for a July trip where we’ll be staying in Wengen, Switzerland and then going to Varenna. I’m trying to figure out which routes to book for cheapest and relatively quick fares (less than 6 hours). From looking at the SBB website I’m getting estimates of 90 CHF per person which is similar to to booking the first leg of the trip (Wengen-Lauterbrunnen-Interlaken-Spiez) with SBB and the second leg (Spiez-Milano Centrale-Varenna) with Trenitalia. With our plans the travel passes end up being more expensive so I’m looking at other ways to reduce the cost. Are there other routes that would end up cheaper and not too long? Is there a way to find discounts? I know for many trains you can book 2 months out at the earliest so I’ve been looking at June fares for comparison. Any advice and tips are very much appreciated.

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1706 posts

The easiest would be to just go to the train station in Wengen, and buy a ticket to Varenna at the ticket office there. It is what I often do. But on the Spiez - Milano leg there are indeed advance purchase discounts. The other parts of the trip are all regional trains with fixed prices.
I usually suggest to buy your ticket from the railway where your trip starts. So that would be
The SBB site has all the train options available. There are no hidden train services that are not visible there.

Now, if you are going to spend some time in Switzerland getting the Half Fare Card might be a good option, as that gives you also a reduction on the cable cars and mountain railways, not just public transport.

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16333 posts

Break it into two separate bookings.

Tickets for July are available now for the Spiez to Milan direct train. Since this is an international journey, there are “special offer” prices (Smart fares on Trenitalia) if you book this early. I see 42€ on Trenitalia and 42 CHF on SBB for that train on July 12.

The local trains from Wengen to Spiez are not available for July dates yet. If you book 60 days ahead you could get a SuperSaver ticket for 21 CHF ( look at June 18 to see this offer). So you could reduce the price a bit that way, but the regular price for a point-to-point ticket with no pass discount is only 25 CHF.

To book tickets from Wengen to Varenna, you can follow these steps:

Determine your travel dates and times: Check the train schedules for the Wengen to Varenna route and determine when you would like to travel.

Book your tickets online: You can book your tickets online through the Swiss Railways (SBB) website or through the Italian Railways (Trenitalia) website. Select your travel dates and times, and follow the prompts to complete your booking. Be sure to choose the correct train and ticket type based on your preferences and budget.

Collect your tickets: Depending on the website you used to book your tickets, you may need to collect them before your journey. You can collect your tickets at the train station or via email if you choose the e-ticket option.

Board your train: On the day of your travel, arrive at the Wengen train station at least 15 minutes before your train's departure time. Make sure to validate your ticket before boarding the train.

Transfer at the appropriate stations: Depending on the route you take, you may need to transfer trains at one or more stations. Pay attention to the train schedules and announcements to ensure you get off at the right station and board the correct train.

Arrive in Varenna: Once you arrive in Varenna, you can explore the beautiful town on Lake Como and enjoy all it has to offer.

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20158 posts

How long will you be in Wengen? If you plan on using any mountain lifts, some type of pass may indeed be the best way to go.

It is surprising how many people on this forum ask about transportation options between the Berner Oberland and Varenna. There are some mighty big mountains between them.

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3107 posts

I am puzzled by some of the instructions given by one person above. Tickets purchased online from SBB can be print at home or loaded on a mobile phone. You don’t collect them at the train station. No need to be at the Wengen station 15 minutes ahead; 5-10 minutes is plenty there. It is very small. And you do not validate Swiss railway tickets. ( You do need to validate some tickets in Italy, for regional trains, but not tickets bought online.)

As for transfers, the route chosen by the OP has necessary transfers at Lauterbrunnen, Interlaken Ost and Spiez. So the you “may”need to transfer trains doesn’t make sense. You “must” transfer trains, 3 times at a minimum.

It looks like something copied from some general instruction on using trains in Europe, rather than something written to address travel from Wengen to Varenna based on personal experience.

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20158 posts

I am puzzled by some of the instructions given by one person above.

Sounds like something a Chatbot would generate. AI is still a work in progress.

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1706 posts

The instructions by Oliver are wrong. Looks indeed like something out of a chatbot. You do not "collect tickets" bought on line at the station. And certainly there is no need to validate tickets in Wengen. And being there 15 minutes in advance?

And while SBB can sell you a ticket for the whole route, Trenitalia still can't, as they do not sell tickets for domestic trips in Switzerland.

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3 posts

Thank you all for your responses. It looks like I'll book the Spiez to Milan leg now to save up and wait until next month for the other parts of the journey. Does it make a difference whether I book that specific route through SBB or Trenitalia? I see that they are the same price but Trenitalia allows me to choose seats whereas I'm not sure if I can on the SBB site.

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20158 posts

but Trenitalia allows me to choose seats whereas I'm not sure if I can on the SBB site.

That is a good reason.

Again, how long are you in Wengen?

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1706 posts

You can indeed book the Spiez - Milano part on Trenitalia without issue. For the rest you can buy that when you are here. Don't be alarmed by the short transfer offered in Spiez. That is normal and expected, and changing trains there only takes a a minute or two. If you want to save some time you could in theory buy the Milano - Varenna part at the ticket office in Wengen as well, but buying it from Trenitalia will probably be cheaper. Regional trains for July will not go on sale till later though. But for regional trains you do not need to book in advance.

So yes, book Spiez - Milano now, book the rest in July.