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How much time to reach train station in Venice from Hotel Campiello?

I am booking the train ticket from Venice to Rome. How much time would it take us to reach the Santa Lucia train station from Hotel Campiello? Thanks!

Venice transportation is confusing! Perhaps, it might not be true for other people, so please help me understand how to reach from Venice airport to the hotel too.

Thank you.

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33525 posts


Not knowing anything about your hotel, I Googled it. On the English part of their webpage, I clicked on "how to reach us" where it says that by line 51 (the one which goes around the bottom of Dorsoduro, not down the Grand Canal) it takes 25 minutes from the station; by line 1 or line 2, down the Grand Canal, it takes 40 or 45 minutes.

There is also information there about getting from the airport via Alilaguna which takes 1:10, or by bus from the airport and then line 51, 2, or 1 in as little as 35 minutes, although I think that may be optimistic except when there is no traffic.

They list times from other places to the hotel, too.

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127 posts

Thank you very much for replying! I really appreciate your response.

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6898 posts

Sonia, I recall that you had a previous post asking how to get to this hotel from the airport. The website shows a route time of 40 minutes from the San Zaccaria/Pieta stop to the Ferrovia vaporetto stop on the No 1 vaporetto. The Ferrovia stop is the train station. Add time to walk from your hotel to the vaporetto stop and the wait time for the water bus. The No 2 vaporetto will get you there a bit faster.