We have our vacation booked and we are skipping Spain. We are going to stay in Luxembourg for 3 days and then drive to Interlaken. How far and how many miles is it from Luxembourg city to Interlaken? What is the best route? Thanks!!
Both cities are roughly 370 miles apart. You have a combination of French roads to choose from up to Mulhouse, where you briefly enters Germany then go via Basel and Bern. If you have time, you can drive via the Jura Mountains, stopping a couple hours in Delemont or Tavanes.
Try this link, easily obtained from ViaMichelin, including the cost of tolls and fuel: http://www.viamichelin.co.uk/web/Itineraires?strStartLocid=31NDFzdXcxMGNORGt1TmpBNU9Uaz1jTmk0eE1qazJOUT09&strDestLocid=31MzZ4MDEwY05EWXVOVGswT0RVPWNOeTQ1TURjME5nPT0=&intItineraryType=1&caravaneHidden=false&vh=CAR&strVehicle=0&itineraryCarType=0&itineraryFuelType=0&isFavoriseAutoroute=false&isAvoidPeage=false&isAvoidVignette=false&isAvoidLNR=false&isAvoidFrontiers=false&dtmDeparture=19%2F10%2F2011&distance=mi&devise=0.6756757|GBP&indemnite=&carbCost=1.5&autoConso=6.8&villeConso=6&routeConso=5.6 If that is too long, just go to http://www.viamichelin.com/ and put in the two towns or addresses. You can fine tune it.
... and you'll need to purchase a vignette sticker at the border to drive in Switzerland.