Great posting, Karen!
Here's some that are, unfortunately, first hand-experience:
Do you purchase cologne by the case?
Do you enjoy reading other people's books by lowering your seat back into their face?
Do you save money not purchasing more legroom and then compensate by storing your feet in the leg space of the person in front of you?
Is your "travel pillow" a King-size bed pillow?
Your topic reminded me some funny Brian Regan comedy routines (can view on You Tube) with a few of these lines: Brian: I would last about 8 seconds at that job (flight attendant), I'd just get up there- Does that look like it's gonna fit?! You have this much room, you have a dead yak! Or, how impatient everyone is to board the plane. What everyone interprets the gate attendant saying through the intercom is, "Everybody up, and rush the door. Everyone, immediately try to squish simultaneously in the small gate door area. Hurry, push and shove everyone, push and shove. Do whatever you have to do to get on board!