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How any train Stations in Paris?

How many train stations are there in Paris?
Does each station serve a differnt purpose, like one just goes west or east?
Will anyone of them take you to the main airport?.

I would like to figure of Paris metro. Is it possible to fine a Metro map on line with explanations?

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12040 posts

Most travel books and fold-out maps of Paris contain a reproduction of the Paris Metro map. Really, for most travelers' purposes, the Metro couldn't be simpler to navigate. It only becomes more complicated when you start to travel out to les banlieue, areas most tourists wisely avoid.

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3313 posts

There are six or seven train stations in Paris and, you're right, they serve different destination areas and train lines. Gare du Nord will get you to Charles de Gaulle airport on the RER commuter line (as will other underground stations on the RER B line).

You can research the Metro online at It has an interactive map with English pages. Click on the British flag to switch to English.

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6898 posts

Stew, there are six large train stations in Paris. CLICK HERE to see a map of these stations.

CLICK HERE for the Paris Metro map in .pdf. You can enlarge it.

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1568 posts

Thanks for posting those links Larry. When we went to Europe...and Paris, I printed those maps and took them with me. I studied them over and over again. By the time we hit Paris I felt like a pro.

They will also have those maps at the train stations.