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Help with transportation to Bath and Oxford

My daughter really wants to see both Bath (Jane Austen) and Oxford (Harry Potter.) She doesn't want to spend much time at either (though after studying the posts here, I realize there is much to see.) We are staying in London, by the Victoria Station. Is it better to rent a car and drive---or what other transportation should we use? Thanks so much!

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805 posts

Train by a country mile. You really don't want to drive if you don't have to and you don't to visit sights in those towns.

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6 posts

David--Thanks for the advice! Which train/rail system would you recommend?

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805 posts

You don't really got a choice on which line to take, the important thing is which station the train goes from. I think Bath goes from Paddington and Oxford from Victoria. Both are about 90 minutes each way.

For more info, see this site:

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658 posts

Trains to both Oxford and Bath leave from Paddington.

There is, however, a very good coach service from Victoria Coach Station to Oxford. It's called The Oxford Tube and it's cheap, regular, comfortable and reliable.