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Help with Obb booking

I am trying to book tickets from Vienna to Venice overnight. After I select the sleeper compartment for 2 persons, I get to the window where I can put in the payment information. Also, in this same window, it asks me to select in a drop down box: man, or lady, there is no option for gender segretion. The problem is, if I choose lady, on the next page, the information indicates that we are both female.

Can someone please tell me how I can get the information to show we are one man and one lady? Your help will he extremely appreciated.

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118 posts

Hi Kathryn,

I may be a little late responding, but: I had this exact same problem trying to book the Vienna-Venice overnight a couple of years ago! I agree you should just forget gender for the sake of purchasing. That's what I did, but I was full of trepidation that I would be separated from my husband in different compartments. I was so worried I'd done it wrong that I emailed OBB (their customer service contact info was easy to find on their site) and asked, in English, if I had indeed purchased what I wanted to purchase. They were great -- responded within 48 hours and confirmed that I had the right accommodations. I highly recommend emailing them if you need assurance about your purchase. I'm sure the customer service rep thought I was a doofus, but it was worth it for the peace of mind!

By the way, we loved this overnight train -- room was comfortable and the conductor was very friendly. Hope you enjoy your trip!

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3 posts

Emma, thank you so much for your reply. You eased my fears - I had the same worries of course, are they going to let me and my husband occupy the same cabin? Good to know I can go ahead and book the tickets myself.