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Help With Night Train Reservations Please

Hi all, hoping someone can help with reservations.

We will need to book several overnight trains for our upcoming trip. We will have a 21 day global pass. We don’t want to wait to get to Europe before booking because last year we missed almost all the trains we needed and ended up having to fly.

My question is this: where exactly can I make reservations with a global pass for overnight and high speed train?
I’ve gone to the Rail Europe website but they do not list all the trains listed on the DB Bahn site, many of which we need. Also, the EurAide website is outdated (2008) so I’m a little hesitant about going there.

We are based in the U.S. and the countries we will be visiting are Italy, Switzerland, Germany, Belgium and the Netherlands.

Any suggestions would be much appreciated.

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1078 posts

Have you looked at I use them for point to point, however, never have for an overnight.

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26 posts

Thanks for the help everyone. I'm going to call Euraide and hope they can get me the trains I need...

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289 posts

Lina - I booked one night train last year by calling Deutsche Bahn direct but I couldn't do that for all the trains. I used Euraide for a night train Venice to Budapest I couldn't book online and some reservations at that same time. It was worth the $50 to get the help they gave me.