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Help traveling between Paris and Coppenhagen

My husband & I are traveling to Coppenhagen for a Sept 1st wedding. We love exploring and especially love France, so we thought we'd fly into Paris, then train/ferry to Coppenhagen. We're planning a 2 week trip, with about 5 days spent in Coppenhagen. However, we've never used the train system much and dont really have any idea on how to start planning the train/ferry portion of the trip. Any recommendations?

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1260 posts

Hi Karin. Trains in Europe are great, but Paris to Cop. would be a very long and expensive train ride. I would suggest flying instead. Both SAS and EasyJet airlines have non stop flights for less than $150. Enjoy your trip!

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403 posts

Yes, it would be quite expensive to do this, but it is absolutely possible if you prefer to travel overland instead of flying. Check the Deutsche Bahn website for easy to understand options. You can take a long day trip (14 + hours with a couple of train changes) if you want to see where you are going, or do it as an overnight (17+ hrs.). You don't have to worry about arranging the ferry. On the journey from Hamburg to Copenhagen, the entire train drives onto the ferry boat, so you just ride along! You can call DB for specific fare info.

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8700 posts

Here are some routes I found on the German Rail site: 1. Paris-Koeln-Hamburg-Koebenhavn (daytime trains) 2. Paris-Mannheim-Berlin-Malmo-Koebenhavn. The Berlin-Malmo leg is on a night train. 3. Paris-Koeln-Koebenhavn. The Koeln-Koebenhavn leg is on a night train. If you want to break up this trip, you could stop over in Koeln, Hamburg, or Berlin for a night or two. If you pick a route, we can advise you how to get discount fares by booking online now. For example, you can travel during the day and get a discount fare as low as €35 for Paris-Koeln and €59 for Koeln-Koebenhavn with a connection in Hamburg. The lowest discount fares for the Koeln-Koebenhavn CNL night train are €69 for a bunk in a 4-person couchette and €99 for a bed in a 2-person sleeper.

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8700 posts

If you decide to fly, for late August you can get direct flights for under $100 US on easyJet, Norwegian Airlines, and SAS.

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14801 posts

Karin, On a long ride as this one is, Paris-Copenhagen, I would not object to taking a night train. But my suggestion is that you can do this one by day easily, three legs, all on the ICE, if you prefer the ICE to the TGV and Thalys...Paris Est to Mannheim to Hamburg to Copenhagen. You arrive at 22:16 in Copenhagen. If you prefer changing at a larger station, choose Paris Est dep 0706 ICE to Frankfurt instead, since from Mannheim it continues to Frankfurt. Then it's also direct Frankfurt-Hamburg and Hamburg-Copenhagen, both on the ICE. No need for a ferry to get there, unless you want to include the ferry as a means of arriving in Copenhagen.

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13 posts

Thanks to all! I appreciate your quick response and valuable insights. I was feeling a bit overwhelmed with all the options, but now feel like I have a framework to work within and still have plenty of options. I can continue my research in earnest and actually start making my travel plans. Thanks again!