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Help! Alitalia and the Secure Flight Program

I am flying Alitalia Nov. 5 to Rome. The ticket receipt and their website refers to a "Secure Flight Program," where I must provide to the airline certain specific information that is passed from them to the TSA. "Failure to provide your personal information may result in denial of transport." The Alitalia website has a link for me to provide this information, but it's busted. I've sent email but gotten no response. I've called, and I'm told, in that wonderful Italian way, "Non ti preoccupare." The TSA site says this info must be provided to TSA from the airline no later than 72 hours prior to departure. I'm getting very nervous. I've been saving for this trip for years, and the last thing I want is to end up in JFK watching my flight take off. Should I just keep trying to call Alitalia until I get someone who understands what I'm talking about? One rep didn't seem to understand and told me not to worry, just download my ticket (no earlier than 19 hours or fewer before take off time) and everything would be fine. Help!

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Cara,, I am not very tech savvy, but for me, if I was that worried I would drive to my airport and just find the Air Alitiala desk and have the staff deal with it inperson. This information is required by all airlines, but most will allow it to be done at airport at check in, Air Alitia is not known for being user friendly though. Don't give up, and try another website called "fyertalk" if you don't get help here( realize my answer was not super helpful)