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Heathrow Starts Using Body Scanners

Heaethrow Airport has started using the virtual strip machines for secondary screening. If you refuse to go through the machine, you don't fly. No option for a pat down

Heathrow Uses Body Scanners

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345 posts

I have no problem with these devices. I would rather feel safe than worry about modesty. Whoever looks at my body will never see me again and vice versa - so, who cares?

I really don't understand the mindset of people who are screaming about privacy rights. The sad fact is that there are evil doers out there who are willing to blow themselves, and anyone else around, up for political/religious reasons. Privacy has to take a back seat, to a certain extent. If you don't want your bod scanned, don't fly.

I can't see any real upside to be sitting in a plane over the Atlantic Ocean and have it blow up and my last thought is "Well, at least no one saw my (insert whatever part of your anatomy you wish)."

Posted by
410 posts

I only care because I have to travel frequently and it adds to the nightmare that is already Heathrow security and the potential for delays.

Yet another reason to add to the already long list of reasons not to travel via Heathrow unless absolutely necessary.

Am I convinced that it will prevent the so called evil doers - no, afraid not. How well is the checked luggage scanned? To me this is a far more likely scenario.

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16546 posts

It's also interesting to note that in tests, these scanners failed to find all explosives. There are ways around hiding small amounts of explosive in body cavities. Are people then going to literally "bend over" for the sake of stopping terrorists?

Posted by
345 posts

Liz, Frank - I agree with you both. I choose to see this as another layer of security, knowing full well that nothing is fool proof. I was mostly commenting on the fact that there are people who are against these scanners purely out of privacy concerns.

In an NPR interview, one of these privacy watchdogs used the example of a passenger who is wearing an adult diaper or has a colostomy bag. I can't help feeling that those concerns are minor if the person wants to travel and knows what the security procedures are ahead of time.

Again, it's hard to imagine a perfect system, but we have to start somewhere.

Posted by
2349 posts

Frank II, maybe the "bend over" exam would have a benefit for those without health insurance. Free prostate exam.

Posted by
16546 posts

Karen, I read today where British Intelligence is now concerned about explosives being planted in women as breast implants.

I can see it now, young guys will tell their dates, "No, I wasn't try to get fresh, just making sure you're not a terrorist."

Posted by
9279 posts

Actually, I wish they would handle passengers like they do the luggage. The back area uses dogs to sniff out explosives and drugs. Why have they never thought to use dogs to sniff people?

Posted by
2349 posts

So, Frank II, they're worried about plastique surgery?

Jo, I think dogs are a great idea, but they'll need so many it will look like a pack of foxhounds.

Posted by
780 posts

After 3 children and a long-lost waistline, I am feeling safe that I wont be one of the random choices for this scan! No one wants to see that! LOL!

Posted by
345 posts

Yes, Linda, they are random, but if you refuse, you cannot fly.

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3 posts

I was 'randomly' chosen for one of these. I wasn't happy,but knew complaining would get me nothing,so I just did it. I am very modest but I swear it was no big deal. You just sort of grit your teeth and do it. It took seconds.