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hand luggage on SATA

I will be flying SATA between mainland Portugal and the Azores this summer, once as the last leg of a trip from the US, and once as an individual, one way flight (or at least that is my perception of how the flights are booked; it is possible they booked the SATA flights as a separate two-way flight--this is the first time I've booked a "group flight" and not handled everything myself). The hand baggage guidelines on the site list a weight limit and size constraints, but do not give a number of items allowed on the flights. (

Has anyone flown with them and carried on two bags? I will have to check my main bag as it's going to be too heavy to meet these limits, but I'd like to have one bag with my laptop, electronic oddments and cords, and medicine and another, lighter bag with changes of clothes (because I dislike the thought of all my clothes having to make it through so many changes of planes). Both bags will not fit in one larger bag and still meet the size guidelines, but the individual bags would while coming under the weight limits.

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Ah, darn. I'll just pack lighter clothes and smaller books in with the laptop, then.