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Granada to Barcelona: Spanair, Clickair, or Vueling???

It looks like I have three choices for this one-way flight. At most we'd check one bag each as we travel rather light. I'm curious about experiences and preferences for those that have flown these airlines, especially more than one of them.

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237 posts

We have flown with both Clickair and Vueling in 2008 but not on that route, both were excellent for our requirements.

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359 posts

Spanair has a price of 100EUD for the two of us. It appears they aren't a "low cost" carrier per se, and are members of star alliance. But their luggage restrictions have eluded me from their online site.

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4555 posts

You're right, Spanair is a main-line carrier...but on routes where there's competition, all the "big boys" are being forced to offer deals. I've flown with all three, and prefer vueling or Clickair because of their newer, cleaner aircraft....but other than that, there's not much difference. I did find the vueling people very friendly. Spanair's luggage requirements give you one carry-on weighing no more than 6 kilos (13.2 lbs) and measuring a maximum of 50 x 40 x 25 cm (19.7 x 15.7 x 9.8 inches). Checked luggage is a maximum of 20 kilos (44 lbs) size mentioned.

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11507 posts

I did Vueling , although it was Paris-Rome, not Granada-Barcelona.

I chose Vueling for a few reasons, and yes, one was definately the fact they use new airplanes , not cast offs like I have heard some low cost carriers do.
The price was right, plus, they also used the major easy to get to and from on public transport airports. Some lo cost airlines use smaller airports that are much farther from city centers and transport to and fro can be more expensive or more difficult. I paid the 5 euros up front to check a back as if you check a bag without prepaying the charge was higher.

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359 posts

Thanks all,
I just mocked up bookings with all of them:
Spanair: €100.88 (apparently no luggage fee for checked)
Clickair: €70 (fee for checked luggage up front €?)
Vueling: €80 (fee for checked luggage up front €10)
So Spanair will basically be €100 for us. Clickair and Vueling will likely incur at least on bag fee and we'd be smart to just buy two up front, thus costing €90 and €100 respectively. So from a cost standpoint, it's almost a wash.
Now for times:
Spanair: 14:00 - 15:20
Clickair: 17:55 - 19:10
Vueling: 15:30 - 16:50

The advantage here goes to Spanair from the standpoint of arriving early enough to beat sundown during the trip to the hotel, while being late enough for breakfast and taking our time to the airport. I guess I'm leaning to Spanair as a result of not having to worry about how much baggage we'll be carrying on as of right now, the travel times, and being a part of a major airline group. Vueling is a close second. And the slightly reduced cost isn't quite made up for by Clickair's much later flight time.
Am I missing anything with this analysis???

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4555 posts

Nope...sounds good. Clickair's baggage fee is 10 Euro per checked bag...they also charge you 2 Euro to reserve a seat. However, their carry-on provisions are a little more bag at 22 pounds, 21.6 x 15.7 x 7.9 a computer case/purse,etc.

Posted by
359 posts

Thanks Norm,
I usually go with a small backpack (just stuff desired in-flight) and my RS Convertible Carryon, which will likely be under the Lufthansa 17.6 lb limit to begin with. Not sure about how heavy my wife will pack, but we went all carry-on to Italy in 2007 - but she may have a harder time with Luft's limit as opposed to Air France's (we're flying Lufthansa to and from Portugal/Spain on this trip).