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WE are renting a car in Amsterdam for 2 weeks going to Belgium,Germany and back to airport AMSWe will get a small manual 4 door car-Can we rent an English GPS?Which company is reccomended and cost for GPS?

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33553 posts

I don't know where sutton is, England maybe? Maybe somewhere else? Anyway, do you have a GPS at home? Would you use it if you did have one? If yes to either of the previous questions I suggest you get (download, buy an SD card or whatever your GPS does for upgrades) data covering the countries you are visiting and practice before you travel. The time to learn how to deal with your GPS is not in a foreign country with a strange car on roads you are not familiar with. Use it for trips around town at home, and maybe a road trip, and get to know how it works and what it will do. Then take it to Europe (thankfully they don't weigh much) and it here. It will be one less thing to get your head around. I bet that a 2 week GPS rental is not much different in price than buying one at home. The brand to get is... the one you prefer. I use Garmins, many others use TomToms.

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12313 posts

I also think it's better to buy a GPS with European maps here before your trip. While virtually any GPS will give you an English language option, it's much better to know how to operate the device before you get in an unfamilar car on unfamiliar roads. I just bought a Garmin 275 (specifically because it was the smallest/lightest model for carry-on) for $125 on Amazon. I doubt you will spend less than $100 renting a GPS.