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Google Flights not so smart

I've been tracking prices on the Virgin Atlantic site and Google Flights for Seattle to London in the fall. They have remained steady for weeks. I checked again today-Google flights tells me Prices are lower! Your flight is lower than it has been! And then proceeds to quote me a price which is higher than it has been (basically the price of Economy Classic is now what Economy Delight was). So I checked the VA site, sure enough, prices are higher. Google flights doesn't seem very intelligent.
Here's hoping it comes back down again.

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329 posts

I believe Google Flights caches flights, so what you see in the moment may already be gone. It's a side effect of how GF gets you fast results. Matrix Airfare Search (, which is actually owned by Google now I believe, does the actual searches. Unfortunately Maxtrix doesn't give you the link to the airline, just the booking details to give to a travel agent.

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2810 posts

And it's possible you just missed an even higher flight so it's "lower than it has been"

Unless you have a 24/7 monitoring I am not sure how you know Google was wrong?

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329 posts

I have not been watching 24/7, but I have checked google flights and the VA website every other day for 2 months. The price has been the same every time. I just found it odd that GF said "fares are lower" on the one day that they were in fact higher.

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2928 posts

And on the other hand, I have had Google Flights give me combined BA-AA bookings that were 1) not available on either's web site, or if so not at Google FLight's listed price, and 2) Google Flights then took me directly to the valid booking of this on AA, at the price shown (and needless to say, carried through to purchase). It showed as the basic Economy flight with the option to accept or upgrade.

Is there any tool in the world for anything that does everything that every person needs?

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329 posts

No, there are no perfect tools.
Yes, I always check the website for the actual airline for current information and for booking.
I was just making an observation about Google Flights.

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329 posts

Mister E, no worries, it just seemed the point of my post was not understood by most.

As an aside, the price is back to what it was as of today. Is there anything more stupid than airfare pricing? LOL

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148 posts

I find the price quotes on Google Flights are generally accurate for flights by US airlines. I notice that for foreign airlines (such as Air France); what're quoted on GF very often are different from the airlines' website. Nevertheless it's a great tool for researching/planing your itinerary as well as price tracking.

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329 posts

Google Flights was accurate, the price matched what was on the website for VA. What was questionable was that it alerted me that the price was lower than it had been, which was not true at all.

The best news it that the price came back down and I have purchased our tickets! I am so excited for this trip!