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Global Entry Renewal--Finally

A few days after the 11 month anniversary of my application, I got notice that my Global Entry renewal has been approved.

I should mention that the notice of my renewal came from my Congressman's office. Yes, I asked them to intervene.

They claimed it was approved two days ago. I never received any notice from CPB.

Posted by
10019 posts

Good grief, I wonder why that took so long? Hope the congressman’s office’s notification to you is correct and all is well.

Posted by
16024 posts

It's correct. I logged into my account and saw the approval.

No one knows how they choose which applications to process. There doesn't seem to be a set way of doing things. They also tell you that just because it took long doesn't mean there was a problem.

Posted by
313 posts

FWIW, My wife's renewal also took about a year, although we didn't have to ask our congressman to intervene.

Posted by
55 posts

I applied on the 22nd of June. Got my new card in the mail today.

My membership had expired early May. I also never received a notice from CPB.

Totally surprised by the quick turnaround.

Posted by
5140 posts

Frank II, Could it possibly be that because of your extensive travels, they did a very through background investigation before renewing? Even so, an indepth BI should not take that long.