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Gibraltar, Spain

My cruise ship docks in Gibraltar and I will have 8 hours to kill. Someone suggested that I could take a ferry to Tanger, (Morocco?). I believe Tanger is not really a Morocco city. What are your suggestions?

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8293 posts

My suggestion would be to visit Gibralter. It's like a bit of Jolly Old England with everyone being more British than the Queen. Go to the Peak, have a look at North Africa and watch the apes cavort.

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1591 posts

Tangier is a city in Morocco. It may not be the best for the tourist but it is definitely a Moroccan city.

Definitely agree with the previous poster - take a tour of Gibraltar - it will take you to St. Michaels Cave, the lookout over the city, and towards the top of the Rock.

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2611 posts

You will not have time to get to Tangier, Morocco (Africa). By the time you get to the ferry dock, clear passport control, take the ferry (usually late), race around Tangier, and get back (late ferry, more passport control), you'll be out of time in Tangier. Stay in Gibralter, check out the chapter in the Rick Steves Spain guidebook for hints of things to do.

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14 posts


I agree with other posts that you should plan to spend your time in Gibraltar. We stopped in during a drive along the Med coast last Sept and enjoyed the time we spent there.

I wrote a little blog post about it recently. It's at if you are interested.

Have a fun trip.


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1829 posts

Just a little thing - do not call Gibraltar part of Spain/Spanish when you are there! They guard their independence fiercely.

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629 posts

I agree with the others. You'll have lots of fun in Gibraltar with 8 hours to kill. Take the tram up to the top...what a view. We were there in April and Gibraltar is a lot bigger than expected.Remember this is part of the United Kingdom, Spain is on the other side of the air strip.

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668 posts

Spent our honeymoon in Gib 41 years ago. Take a tour and make sure it includes the tunnels. Most interesting and you should get a commentary on their uses during the war. The apes are interesting, but watch your hat, camera or anything else that they may grab! People are fircely British and will be upset if you refer to them as Spanish or part of Spain. Referenda have been overwhelmingly (99% or more)for remaining part of Britain.