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getting to the airport

Yikes! My flight out of Florence leaves at 6:55 am. How soon should I be at the airport & how do I get there reliably? Taxi? Somehow get to the train station & use that? Bus? Will the place I stay offer transportation & how do I find that out? Thanks for any help you can give.

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2 posts

Thanks Frank & Ed. It is not an international flight. It is my connecting flight back to the states. Just trying to get my ducks in a row so I don't have to worry about it the whole trip. :)

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9110 posts

If it's an international flight you obviously need to be there a couple and a half hours prior. There's a bus stop at the southwest corner of the main train station that goes to the airport, but it might not be running that early. The airport is only about five miles from the center of the city, so a cab can't be that much. Odd's are that the place you're staying won't provide their own transportation. You've got the cart before the horse. Ask the people where you're staying how to do it after you get there. If it's a taxi, they'll make the arrangements for you.

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23569 posts

At 6:55 am I seriously doubt that it is an international flight. It is most likely a domestic flight connecting to your international flight somewhere else in Europe. Ninety minutes would be adequate at that time of day. I doubt if you hotel will provide transportation but ask them. At that time of day I would take a taxi

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4412 posts

RS' "Italy" says the airport opens at 5:10am; that's when I'd try to get there. It's Italy. Employees don't show up, then a madhouse erupts; you want to be at the front of any line that's formed. I do things early in Italy ;-) Go to Aeroporto di Firenze for lots of good info. Looks like your ride will be 23,30€ plus 1,00€ per piece of luggage, and will take around 15 minutes. I'd ask the hotel to arrange this for you, but I'd also come prepared with the phone number for the taxi service just in case...

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32328 posts

Frances, In the same situation, I'd ask the Hotel if they could pre-arrange transport to the airport (either Taxi or Shuttle). They will know the most reliable services, and will know what the best departure time would be. It's likely that your flight is considered an E.U. "domestic" flight, as you're probably connecting to your U.S.-bound flight in either Frankfurt or Amsterdam. Happy travels!