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Getting to SAW airport on public transport

We are researching getting to the SAW airport from Sultanahmet by public transport - I.e., not one of the shuttles. Have you done this? Advise?? With our recent flight time change, we now have lots of time to make the journey and have only a small rolling bag each.

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Thanks, Lamont, Tom's site gives a good overview of the basics.

I would like to hear any actual experiences. And, specifically, are there concerns about traffic delays on the bridge? Taking one of the shuttle or van services looks like the logical choice but my husband says he has heard about bridge problems that can cause traffic to jam/stop. To avoid this we are looking at a combo of: tram+ferry+bus. With our luggage (rolling bags only, but luggage nonetheless) this seems like an overly cautious plan ... but perhaps another interesting travel tale.

Would you roll your own (and be safe from bridge disruptions) by doing the tram+bus option, or take the basic shuttle-type service all the way? Time isn't a constraint - we have pretty much all day to make it from our hotel in Sultanahmet to SAW.