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Getting out of Roma

Had a great trip to Europe for the entire month of June and Rick by our side the whole time. Not a glitch until trying to get back to the States from Rome.

We received some advice to take to train out of Ostiense rather than Termini to save time, some carfare and easier access from the Aventine. Bad choice...the train (due to a labor slowdown) was over 2.5 hours late. Apparently the express trains from Termini were not affected.

The Roma airport when trying to get to the USA is indescribable. Be prepared for lots of lines, if they can be so described. After you check your luggage, another herd of about an hour is ahead of you.

We allowed 4.5 hours and still ended up running to the plane. Best advice...train out of Termini to Fiumincino and then be prepared for some of the biggest waits you'll experience in Europe. Knowing ahead of time may ease some stress.

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2030 posts

Thank you for this information - I plan to fly home from Rome in September. You speak about taking a train to Fiumincino I believe, can you also take a taxi and get there sooner? I assume you can if you are willing to pay. I have Rick's Rome book and will check it out, but if anyone has a suggestion about the best way to make an 11:30 am flight out, it will be appreciated!

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1 posts

Yes, folks, please be aware that during this peak season getting back to the States is a bit of a trial. There is a primary passport checkpoint before you can check in at your airline counter. At 8:00 am the line stretched all along the terminal. However, an airport employee pointed out that if you enter the terminal on the furthest left entrance (facing the terminal), there is an alternate check point without any line. We sailed right through. Although, if you were flying Delta, you still had a giant line at check-in...

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23736 posts

We are just back from Rome in early June -- fourth visit. We always take the train. Not sure that a taxi is any better. We found the lines on our days to be about normal.