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getting from CDG train station to terminal 1?

I will be traveling by train from Amsterdam to Paris CDG airport. The train station is at terminal 2, and I fly out of terminal 1. What would be the quickest way from the train station to terminal 1? Also, my flight is at 1:30, and the earliest train gets to the airport at 11:45. I know that is tight, but I dont have a choice. Will that give me enough time to make my flight?

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8700 posts

The new CDGVAL (driverless light rail) has replaced the airport shuttle buses. Trains run every five minutes, the time between Terminal 2 and Terminal 1 is eight minutes, and the service is free. For more information, visit

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1167 posts

What does your airline say? You have a better chance of getting accurate information from them than you do here.

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5 posts

That would be too close for me. I agree checking with your airline. If possible get there the day before and stay at a hotel near the airport. Take their shuttle directly to the airport. With security and everything I always want to leave myself extra time.

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4555 posts

Your airline will tell you to be there AT LEAST TWO TO THREE HOURS (depending on the airline) in for U-S airlines in Paris is notoriously tight. Maybe take the last train available the night before and check into a CDG hotel. has the inexpensive Ibis and Etap chains at CDG Nord 2 (do a search on "Roissy") with a 15-20 minute shuttle to the terminals.