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Getting an A+ at Securiety

I'll be going through Security in Seattle and Heathrow and I want to get an A+, no screw ups. So what is the A+ way to put your stuff on the conveyor belt? Day pack (with all small items like coins, watch, belt stowed inside) and jacket on one bin, shoes in another. What do I do with boarding pass and passport or ID? Do I show my little bag with liquids first and then stick it in the day pack?
Thanks for any advice

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530 posts

First of all, you can do everything "right" and still be pulled aside for a more thorough check. Still, here's how I do it: 1) Know the rules going in, and prepare accordingly. 2) I usually wear loafers/slip-on shoes (less a security issue than a time issue). I don't always wear loafers, but even when I don't I have my shoes off by the time I reach the machine. 3) Have the 3-1-1 liquid bag ready; put in a bin so it is visible and ready to be handled. 4) I put all my pocket stuff into a pocket of my carry-on (just for the check) - wallet, watch, coins, keys etc, 5) Keep passport, ID, boarding pass in hand. Don't pack it away. 6) Jacket and shoes and some other stuff can be in the same bin; I don't worry much about the order and have never had a problem. Sometimes I put my belt in there, other times I wear it. Never had a problem either way (but I don't wear belts with a lot of metal). 7) Any form of computer (laptop, netbook) needs to be out of your bag and either in its own bin or on the top of the bin with other stuff.
8) You can wear your glasses, wedding/engagement ring, fillings/crowns (oddly enough). Though you might be tempted to put some of your metal valuables in your check-in luggage, don't do it. High incidence of those things mysteriously disappearing in-transit. Hmmm, gremlins maybe...? Keep everything you absolutely need or can't afford to lose in your carryon. This might sound a bit daunting, but it's really not. Once you've done it 2-3 times, it's quite do-able.

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990 posts

Here's the situation at Seatac: You need to have your jacket (and sweaters, blazers, etc.) off and into a bin. Your liquids-and-gels baggie should also come out of your bag and go separately into a bin. Shoes should go separately on the conveyor belt, not in a bin. (Some of the TSA workers at Seatac will insist that your shoes be out of a bin, others don't care. But if you want that A+, assume that you'll meet one that cares.) Your day pack doesn't need to be binned and can go directly onto the belt. Until recently, I would have agreed that you hang on to your ID and boarding pass as you pass through the metal detector. However, you may well get waved through one of the backscatter Xray machines instead (not so affectionately called nude-o-scopes by the frequent travelers I know). If you do, you won't be able to have anything in your hands or pockets at all. Not even a tissue in your pocket. (Although why a machine that can see through clothing can't see through a kleenex is beyond my comprehension.) If you have to go through the backscatter imaging machine, you will have to leave your ID and boarding pass in your day pack. As of last week, though, if you pick the screening area to the far left of the concourse after leaving the ticketing area, you will likely avoid the nude-o-scope and get the old fashioned metal detector, and can keep your ID and pass in your hand. I cannot comment on Heathrow since I haven't been there since the backscatter machines came on line there a few months ago.

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4417 posts

It will be a cold day before my ID and boarding pass get separated from me and goes down the conveyer belt. If and when they decide to do a pat down, we'll talk then about my ID and pass. If and when I consent to a Nude-O-Scope we'll talk then about what to do about my ID and pass. Mary, you've basically got it - In The Bin: shoes, purse/daybag, 3-1-1 bag (1 bag, quart size), removable coat/jacket, any coins and/or keys or HUGE jewelry in your pocket (put in ziploc bag ahead of time for ease), and if traveling with a laptop - it gets its own bin. One bin for everything else is fine if your stuff fits in a flat-ish sort of way (everything flat, then maybe my coat over everything has never been a problem, but your mileage may vary). DON'T FORGET ANY WATER BOTTLES THAT HAVE ANY WATER IN THEM, HAND LOTIONS, ETC., THAT ARE IN YOUR PURSE - THEY NEED TO BE IN YOUR 3-1-1 BAG!!! You are allowed to take water bottles - EMPTY - through security (in your daybag or whatever). Then just refill them at the first water fountain or faucet you find. Just watch and mimic - I'm sure you'll get an A+! Have a great trip!