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German Trains Too Hot To Ride

Is this a good enough reason to carry a water bottle?

ICE Trains?--No, Hot trains

And only $500 in compensation....they must send their managers to the same school as the airlines.

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Yes, this was one of the points of discussion when I was with my friends in Amsterdam. They told me that there had been a problem in winter too as the heaters weren't working. This was easier to cope with as you could just add a layer. The train from Amsterdam to Almera had no air conditioning and very many windows and it was blazing hot in it. The friends estimated that the temperature was easily 40 and could have been higher. Thankfully, our trip was shorter than a half hour. We were close to melting.

On an heat related aside, when my Dutch friends met my train from Belgium, I was dutifully wearing my capris, but they were both outfitted in shorts and sleeveless tops. They hooted at the idea of not wearing shorts. I promptly changed into my convertible pants and took off the "legs" and enjoyed shorts comfort for the rest of the visit. ; ) Pam