Please sign in to post. -- has anybody used them in the last 12-24 months?

I sent an inquiry about renting a car at the Austria/Germany border for September 2021 but have not heard back.

I just wonder if anybody dealt with them lately and what your experience was. Would appreciate all your advice. Thanks.

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1005 posts

I booked a car about a month ago for December in Germany. Did you fill out the form that asks for dates, addresses, etc? Once I sent in that form I heard back from them quickly. They seemed pretty busy, because they were expecting European rates to jump. I've been booking with them for years and have always been happy, especially the night I called from FRA and got them up about 3AM their time to straighten out a pricing error the desk in Frankfurt was trying to make.

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34355 posts

have you looked to see if your spam folder snaffled their reply?

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1671 posts

Thanks for your replies thus far. I did check the spam folder. No dice.

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1671 posts

Another update: they did reply to me. I guess they are just swamped.