Does anyone know which is cheaper--gas or diesel--in France? Which type of car should I rent?
Thanks. I will try that.
Diesel is cheaper in France.
We always hope to get a diesel fueled car when in Europe. I don't think you can request for one-- but most often we have gotten the diesel car. My husband always get the manual shift but I don't know if that makes any difference--but the gas mileage is always very good.
Diesel is about 10 percent cheaper and diesel cars are very common. If you reserve through Autoeurope, you can specify that you want a diesel. They can't guarantee you'll get one, but I've never had a problem. The rap on diesel cars is that they are less powerful, but that doesn't seem to be an issue with current cars. I've had no problems with acceleration and driving to the speed limit. Also, I think many diesels get better mileage, so you save more money that way. Finally, do make sure the car you pick up is diesel. The door on the gas tank should say "Gasoil".
Thanks, everyone. That helps with the decision.
Autoeurope, the consolidator mentioned by Doug, finds you the best price from among the companies with which it has contracts. If you find a better price on your own, AE promises to either match or beat it. Call their US toll-free number and ask about specials that might not be listed on their Web site.
Sorry everybody, I'm new to this. Kent told me to delete my last post. Thanks for the help.