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Gare de l'Est to Gare du Nord

My wife and I will be arriving at Gare de l'Est late on a Friday night and making a quick trek to Gare du Nord for the ride to CDG. We will have been in Hamburg all day plus the long train ride to Paris, so we will be tired and "out of gas" when we arrive at Gare de l'Est. Is there a metro or a tram that runs the short distance between the two stations? I'd like to avoid the cost of a taxi for such a short jaunt, but the walk doesn't seem too appealing either--even though it looks like it's only about 500 m. Is it "downhill"?

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8700 posts

Yes, you can take either metro line 4 or line 5 one stop to Gare du Nord and transfer there to the RER B to go to CDG. If you buy your tickets all the way to CDG at Gare de l'Est, the transfer will be included. The fare will be €8.70/person. Be aware that the RER B line divides northeast of Paris. Be sure to get on a train that is going to CDG.

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69 posts

Hello Jon, I agree. Once you've arrived at Gare de l'Est, head downstairs into the Paris metrosystem, go to the booth and buy a ticket all the way to CDG. Indeed, if you opt for the small walk to Gare du Nord - there are clear signs - it will be an uphill walk, due to the ground level differences between the two "Gares". Not such a good idea with luggage:-(

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33545 posts

or "up stairs". I'd done that walk frequently, I'm not sure just how happy I would be doing it "late at night". Are you getting there early enough that you are sure you can get RER and / or Metro?

Posted by
977 posts

Don't worry about getting a taxi in Paris for that short distance, YOU WON'T GET ONE!!!

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4412 posts

You could 'walk' it on Google Maps Street may or may not be something you want to do...I don't know how late you're talking about, nor what time of year...but lines at the taxi stands can be really bad. Next time we're walking it, unless the weather is really bad and then it's the metro (where you end up walking most of it anyway, PLUS stairs). If you DO ever walk this (esp on the way to CDG), be sure to bring as many print-outs from Street View as you think necessary; there are alot of 5- and 6-way intersections and street-name changes. It's not difficult, IF you're aware and have good notes with you.