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from Venice to Vienna

We will be in Venice & then must be in Vienna by 4 pm Sunday July 25th.
We're traveling with our teenage daughter. We've done lots of overnight trains in our younger days but are considering flying this time. The only non-stop is Austrian Air (Tyrolean) on a turbo-prop- makes us a little nervous...
Has anyone done this?

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9110 posts

I've never ridden Austrian. I've never flown from Venice to Vienna.

Any airline, in order to fly into either europe or the United States, has to meet rigorous standards that range from age of the pilot to frequency and type of equipment inspections. This is certainly not the case in other parts of the world.

Austrian's last fatal accident was in 1960, as far as I could find.

I've been driving flying machines for a long time. A super-wild guess is that maybe fifteen thousand hours has been in something with a turbine engine. They work fine.

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19 posts

I did it the other way around (Vienna to Venice) on a Tyrolean turbo prop in 2006. It was fast and easy and beautiful scenery from the air. No safety concerns. I'd go for it.