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From the Florence Airport to a hotel

Can anyone recommend the best way to travel from the Florence airport to a hotel in the city? Cab seems logical but we could use some pointers.

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345 posts

Cab fare from the airport is a flat $20 Euro plus 1 Euro per bag from the airport to the historic center. So, we found if there are at least 2 people in your party the cost of a taxi is quite competitive compared to taking the bus (because you pay per person) then walking/cabbing to your final destination with luggage. You may want to check current bus fares. It is certainly faster/easier.

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3112 posts

I've taken the bus a couple of times. Cost is 5 euro per person - buy ticket from driver. My hotels have been within a 5-10 minute walk from the station, making it an inexpensive and convenient option for me.